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The next day Zoe came up and started a conversation with me. She was talking more now and she had a lot to say, I quickly figured out. We spent all the recesses until December sitting in the corner of the playground on the curb just talking. It was so nice. 

Sometimes I would get there first and sometimes she would get there first. We would always shake each other's hands and then just laugh and sit down and talk. 

After about a month Zoe introduced me to her imaginary friends. Their names were Alice, Anna, Abraham, and Adam. I couldn't really see them since they were imaginary, but I pretended to make Zoe smile, and when she smiled I just felt so happy. 

In December it started to get really cold and we weren't allowed to go outside for recess until it warmed up. The first years stayed in their classroom and we stayed in our room, so I didn't get to see Zoe very often. 

Sometimes during lunch I would catch a glance of her but the first and second years sat at different tables so I never got to sit next to her and talk like we had done earlier in the year during recess. I was counting down the days until March when we would be allowed to go outside again. It felt like ages. 

Christmas was coming up and I knew that even though I hadn't seen Zoe in a while I wanted to get her a present and ask if she wanted to come over to my house to help me and my mum decorate the Christmas tree. 

My mum helped me pick out a present for her. I picked out a really pretty pink hair bow that I thought would go nice with her beautiful blue eyes. On the way to school I asked my mum if Zoe could come to our house after school. 

"Mum can Zoe come over today?" 

"I'll have to talk to her mum. Will I see her when I drop you off?" she asked as she made the turn down the road where the school was located. 

"I think so," I said, even though I really wasn't sure. I just wanted to make sure this would work out. I wanted to tell Zoe how much I cared about her and that I wanted to be her friend forever, because I really did. I wanted to be her friend forever. 

When we pulled into the parking lot I saw Zoe getting out of a car with another woman about the same age as my mum. "There she is!" I yelled almost too loudly. My mother jumped and gave me a disapproving frown but got out of the car and walked over to the woman anyway. 

I said hi to Zoe and started to talk to her in a whisper as my mum talked to Zoe's mum. 

"Hi Zoe, my mum's asking if you can come over today after school? Would you like to do that, because I would love to have you over. We could decorate my Christmas tree if you want, and I have a present for you, so you could open that. We could also have hot chocolate and it would be so much fun. If your mum says yes would you want to come. Please please come! Of course only if you want to," I said everything so quickly I had to take a big breath to make sure I didn't faint when I stopped talking. 

Zoe smiled at me and was about to her open her mouth when her mother spoke. 

"Darling, Alfie and his mum have invited you to their house after school, would you like to go?" she asked with a smile. 

Zoe was shy around adults and I could tell that my mother was intimidating her a bit so she didn't speak, she just nodded her head and smiled widely at her. We did our handshake and then went separate ways with our mums to our classrooms. 

"Thanks Mum you're the best!" I said giving her a high five and a hug before going into my class for the last day of school before break. I couldn't wait to go home with Zoe and give her her present! 


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