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I was quietly playing with Anna, Alice, Abraham, and Adam over in the corner by myself for a little bit when this boy said something and frightened me. He snuck behind me and I didn't see him at first so the only thing I heard was his voice. 

I jumped and turned around, to see a boy who looked a bit older than me with brown hair. I was so scared and shy to say anything because I was afraid he was going to say something mean to me, so I just ran away. I didn't want him to make fun of me like the other kids did. 

After I ran away I felt a little bad for not talking to the boy. He seemed nice enough and I shouldn't have assumed that he was mean like everyone else. Those kids at the park had made me so cautious of everyone though and I was starting to hate the shy person I had become. 

If the boy came to talk to me tomorrow I would say hello to him and see if he actually was nice or not, then I would decide if it was okay to be his friend or not. 

The bell rang about two minutes after I ran away from the boy and I went back inside for more school before my mum came to pick me up and take me home. 


That night during dinner my mum questioned me all about school. I told her how the teacher had the same name as my middle name. I told her how I had fun at recess with Alice, Anna, Abraham, and Adam, and how the teacher said I knew my numbers better than anyone in the class. 

I didn't mention the boy who had tried to talk to me, but I didn't tell her I was excited to go back the next day, which was true. I had been so nervous for school when I didn't really know everything about it. Now that I knew exactly what it was, I knew that I liked it. 


Whilst I was trying to fall asleep that night all I could think about was that boy. Something inside of me felt all warm and fuzzy when I was thinking about him. It was a feeling I hadn't experienced before and it was something that I was pretty sure I liked. 

One thing I knew was that the next day I was definitely going to talk to this boy. I wanted to find out his name and see if he had any imaginary friends, maybe he would want to play imaginary games with me. 

I secretly hoped that when I saw him tomorrow the warm, fuzzy feeling in my chest would come back. I decided that even though I didn't know what it was, I liked that feeling. A lot. 


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