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When we weren't allowed to go outside for recess anymore I was devestated. I though that maybe they would put the first and second years in the gym and allow them to play with the basketballs or something, but instead we just all stayed in our classrooms. 

One day I went up to Ms. Elizabeth and asked her when we would all go to the gym together, and if we would ever even get to have recess with the year twos again. She said that starting in February they were going to take all the year ones and two to the gym for recess, it just wasn't ready yet. 

I didn't know what she meant by not ready, but I didn't care. As long as I would get to spend time with Alfie soon I was happy. I had started to create a mental list, that's a list in your mind, of what I was going to say to him when I next say him. I made sure to tell Anna, Alice, Abraham, and Adam so they could remind me of some things if I ever forgot. 

On the last day of school before the break, my mum and I had brought in cookies for the class party. As we were carrying them in, a woman's voice got our attention. We both turned and my eyes instantly met Alfie's. He was walking over with his mum to talk to us. 

I didn't know why he was coming over, but it was very exciting. I could hardly keep myself from shaking and dropping the box of cookies. Alfie told me in hushed tones that his mum was asking if I could come over to their house after school to help them decorate the Christmas tree.

Alfie started talking a lot, a thing I heard was called rambling. He went on and on about everything we were going to do and if he wasn't sure if I was going to want to or not and he just wanted me to be happy and everything. Then he mentioned how he had a present for me and I couldn't help but smile. 

I told him I would most definitely go with him. It was even better when my mum said I was allowed to! I smiled at everyone and then followed my mum down the hallway to our classroom to deliver the cookies. I waved goodbye to Alfie as I walked down the hallway. I would see him soon though!

I squeezed my mum's hand in thanks for her allowing me to go over to a friend's house. I had never really had a friend before which meant I had never had a playdate before. I was really nervous, but I was also the most excited I had probably ever been before. I just couldn't wait until the end of the day! 


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