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I woke up extrememly hot and flung the blanket that was draped over me to the ground. For about a minute I was so confused as to where I was and even when the memory of knocking on Alfie's door came back to me, I was still confused as to where I was. 

I looked around at the odd furniture collected around me. Everything was different. I was lying on a birhgt blue antique couch and next to me there was a dark brown modern lounge chair. I instantly knew I was in Alfie's flat and even though I didn't want to I smiled. 

As I sat up, I continued to look around at the decorations in his flat. It was so Alfie and for some reason all the memories of us playing when we were younger came flooding back to me. When I saw a faded picture on the fireplace though I lost it and collapsed in sobs again. 

The photo was in colour, but it was so old and crinkled that you couldn't see most of the colours anymore. It was Alfie and I back when we were ten. I remembered the day vividly. It was during summer and Alfie came over to my house. We put food dye in some water and then had a water fight with water balloons and water guns. It was such an amazing day. 

I looked terrible in the photo. My hair was a mess and my white t-shirt was stained with colour, but the photo brought me back to such happy memories. I was smiling and sobbing all at the same time as I looked at it. 

Of course when I was at the height of my sobbing Alfie walked in from the back room. He was wearing pyjama bottoms and no top. My breath caught for a second on my sob before I quickly stopped and wiped my eyes. 

"Hey," he said softly sitting down next to me. 

"Hi," I stammered out, but all it did was start another round of sobs. Then to my surprise Alfie started to cry as well. I didn't understand why he was crying like I was, but I just rested my head in his bare chest and he wrapped his arms around me and we just cried together, and it was nice. 


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