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Lauren's P.O.V.

I waited. 

I waited for hours, it seemed. The food was cold. The candle was already burned out. 

I then realized that if it was the other way around, Camila wouldn't have waited. She would have scolded me right when I got to the door, maybe even have scolded me through a million messages and a billion voicemails.

I looked down at our dog who was just looking at me with sad eyes, "Me too, buddy, me too," I said as I stood up putting everything away. It was pointless, waiting for Camila. She had even texted me saying she'll be here in ten minutes. 

That was two hours ago.

I had grabbed my phone and went to the living room, deciding on waiting some more. Constantly reminding myself that I needed to be patient. Maybe there was traffic. Maybe she got caught up at work. Which, I knew, were both lies. 

If there was traffic, Camila would have told me.

If she was caught up at work, she would have told me.

I ran a hand through my hair as I heard the door unlock. I stood up as I heard Camila call out my name. I leaned on the wall as she gave me a smile. She had no idea what was going on, I felt bad. But she needed to know what I was feeling at that moment.

"Do you know what time it is?" I asked as she looked at her phone realizing how late it was. "It's past nine, Camila. Do you know what day it is?" I asked again as she looked at the date, looking up at me with sad eyes. "It's fucking Friday. I decided, my girlfriend has been stressing out lately so instead of going out, we are going to eat in and have a relaxing night," I said with a smile as it soon dropped as Camila knew I was mad.

"Lauren, I-" Camila started as I just quickly stopped her with my hand.

"Where the hell were you?" I asked as she looked down almost as if she didn't want to tell me. "Camila, hello, I'm talking to you," I continued, I was tired of Camila being silent. "You tell me all the time to man the fuck up and be straight with you, be straight with me Camila. What the hell were you doing that was so fucking important?" 

I knew I should have stayed calm, and it was more of the thought of maybe something happened, but then thinking deeply into it Camila would have told me. She tells me everything, why is she now being quiet?

"I was with him," Camila said quietly as I knew she regretted being with him. "He needed me, Lauren, I, you know me," she continued and I just chuckled.

"You fucking promised me," I said bitterly as I knew she was already regretting everything. "You know that right?" I asked as she nodded at me. "You promised me he would never get in the way and guess what he did?"

"He got in the way," Camila said as she started to cry. "I'm so sorry," she said and I just shook my head.

"You tell me to show rather than tell," I said and Camila knew I had really stuck a lot of the things she had told me in the past. "Show me, don't tell me. You can reheat the food, I'm going to go to our room," I said as I left Camila there. 

I didn't regret anything, my feelings were hurt. We had already went over this in the past, my uncomfortableness towards this guy. Camila promised me, no one would get in the way as long as I approved it before hand. If it was any other day I probably would have said it's okay. But it was Friday, our date night. How could I okay it?

The day I decide to do something for her, she hits me with this. I should be upset, I should be yelling, I should be crying, but I knew it was going to happen.

Maybe it was pay back for everything that I had put her through. But at the end of the day, I knew it wasn't her intention.

"Lauren?" I heard from the door and I turned around to see Camila there with her plate of food, not looking at me. "Can I sit with you?" She asked as I moved a bit so she could sit next to me.

She sat next to me carefully almost as if she wanted me to give her more scolding, but I put my arm around her as she ate. She was surprised, but she knew how easily I melt towards her.

"I'm sorry," she said once she finished, "I wasn't thinking, god, I feel so stupid," she said as she started to cry.

I pulled her closer as I kissed her head, "Patience, baby. We'll be okay," I reminded her as she broke down in my arms. I knew Camila didn't mean what she had done, but at that moment she needed to fix something, she knew what she had to fix. 

I had done many mistakes in the past, that till this day I was still fixing. 

We'll be okay.

Just have to be patient.


i had a dream about this and I decided to write it just so I could write down how I would feel. and yeah.

follow my insta: writingsbythesunflower

also recommend me some story lines//songs you want to read so I can write them down. i want to write more so help me!

- Noah :)

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