Gummy Worms

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(FYI Graphic shit happens)

Lauren sat in her office eating the gummy worms that were given to her this morning. She couldn't concentrate nor really care for the case that was right in front of her. She had been working on the same case for probably a week already. She knew she had to concentrate or else the Lieutenant will grill her ass for leaving the case for another detective. It wouldn't be the first time, Lauren thought as she took another small bite of the already long gummy worm.

Speaking of the Lieutenant she walked right in Lauren's office, no knocks no good morning just walked in with a huge slam on the desk. That woke Lauren from eating her gummy worms, she turned around quickly to meet with a hot headed Ally. God she needs to get laid, Lauren thought as two other people walked in with huge smiles. And of course Dinah and Normani are with her, Lauren couldn't help but want to strangle all three of them for entering her private time.

Lauren rolled her eyes as she dropped the bag of gummy worms on her desk ready for all three of them to scold her for 'not doing her job again'. "What can I do for you three lovely ladies today?" Lauren questioned as she gave them a huge sarcastic smile. Ally couldn't help but mock her as Lauren crossed her arms as she leaned back in her chair. They are here to waste my fucking time I feel it, Lauren thought as she looked at her desk not caring for whatever was on it, just except the gummy worms.

"I swear I'm going to put a 'Camila stop bringing fucking Lauren gummy worms' sign," Dinah said as Normani agreed with her. Camila is smarter than that she would end up bringing me sour gummy worms, idiots, Lauren thought as Dinah and Normani started to argue over my eating habits. No one really understood when or why Lauren started the habit of the gummy worms. One could assume it was when Camila started her first day or maybe second day of the job. Camila seemed to only like Lauren and no one else.

"I can say this for sure, you and Camila are fucking done," Ally said as Normani gave her a shocked face since Ally had never really cursed before and if she did no one really heard her. So for it to be Normani's first time to hear her curse was pretty funny. Lauren had probably heard her curse more than anyone in this room and that really meant something. "No more fucking rendezvous, and especially no more fucking gummy worms," Ally said as she grabbed the bag and threw them in the trash. 

Lauren stood up as Dinah yelled a loud 'Damn', she was sure everyone outside would have heard it. "You heard that Jauregui? No more fucking the newbie anymore," Dinah said as she walked over to her to make fun of her. Lauren had just shrugged her off as she heard Ally chuckle a bit. The bitch has a sense of humor, Lauren thought as she looked out her window to see Camila with a bag of popcorn. She smiled internally as she saw Camila had grabbed her daily dose of popcorn for work.

"I don't think Lauren fucks Camila from what I heard she got promoted to homicide for fucking the boss," Normani said as she grabbed Dinah and pulled her out of the room before Lauren could ever lay a hand on her. "But you didn't hear it from me," was the last thing she said before she had disappeared from the office. Ally sighed as she looked down at Lauren's desk to see the case file still not open. Lauren knew she was going to get it so she decided to play it as though she had solved the case already. No harm in that right?

"It was the boyfriend," Lauren said confidently as she opened the file to show her that she really read the stupid file. "It had to be, a murder like this, it had to be the boyfriend," Lauren continually said as she followed Ally out of her office. Ally sighed deeply as she opened the door to her own office. "Come on Ally, hear me out. I'm serious about it," she said desperately as Ally turned around and put a hand on her chest to stop her from talking and basically walking.

"If you would have read it," Ally said as she grabbed the file from Lauren's hand rather harshly. "You would have known that the boyfriend, the supposed murderer, was in jail during the time. Had an alibi and everything," she said as she put a hand on her head to rub the bridge of her nose. "I'm sorry Lauren but about what Normani said," she continued as she looked Lauren with those disappointed eyes. It wasn't the first time Ally had given them to her.

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