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When you had gone to bed the previous night it was just you and your beloved husband of ten years now. Granted, you could only consider a handful of those years good years; The first year you had known him was a bad one, then you spent four years apart to raise your oldest son by yourself. So in total, he had only been your beloved husband for five years, but those last five years had been some of the best in your life.

Your three kids, ages ten, five, and five, had been known to come in bed with you and your husband every so often. You really didn’t mind, your king sized bed could house either your oldest son or both of your twins at once while you and their father slept soundly on either side of them, but this morning was completely different.

When you woke up you had someone's big toe in your mouth.

You were disgusted, grasping the offending ankle by the light blue pajama pant fabric and pulling your youngest son’s foot out of your mouth as quick as possible. You looked over at his body, he was lying face down bunched up in between your head and his fathers with his hand resting casually on top of your husband’s eye, his other foot laying across your chest. You shook your head, Kaiser was your shy comedian. Even as an infant you found in in the strangest positions; the boy was like a gymnast in the way he could contort his body around, in, and through almost anything and everything when it came to sleeping. One time you even found him sleeping standing up in his crib. He really was incredible and he knew how to make you laugh--even if it wasn't intentional. You sat up, moving Kaiser’s legs so that his lower half was now positioned between you and his dad while you sat up to survey the rest of your bed. The verdict: All three of your kids had conned their way into bed with you.

Your one and only daughter, your husband's little princess, sat sleeping horizontally at the foot of the bed, her face pressed up against the bars as the lower half of her body was elevated on top of her father’s feet. The only thing you could see was the back of her head, her jet black hair that lay splayed across the mattress and her purple pajamas that were identical to her twin brothers. Kaia was your independent child, she never wanted anyone's help with anything and loved to figure her problems out on her own. Even when she was a baby she hated being held, she was also the first to learn how to talk at exactly 15 months old when she said “no no!” as you picked her up and placed her at the dinner table. She cried until you took her out and placed her on the floor where she proceeded to climb the chair into her booster seat and strap herself in. She was the feistiest child you had ever met in your life.

Last but not least, there was your oldest son that lay peacefully in between your and your husband. Cradled on his side he had been cuddling with you all night long, his arm fell from your abdomen as you sat up and you watched as his face bunched up disapprovingly in your absence. Unlike his younger siblings he had turned into a light sleeper, probably because he had to spend the first six months of his new siblings life sharing a room with both of them. In fact that’s how this whole cosleeping with your children started, he couldn’t stand waking up every few hours when one or both of the twins would cry, so when they wept and you got them quieted down he’d follow you to bed. You were too exhausted at the time to argue with him, exclusively breastfeeding two babies at once was a tiring feat that required so much of your attention and energy. So you lifted him into bed with you and cuddled him close, assuring him that he was just as important to you as his brother and sister were. Griffin was your passionate child, he had seen the most and been through the ringer with both you and his father. He needed the most love and you were never hesitant to give it to him whether he wanted it or not.

The last person in your bed might as well have been your last big child, and that was your husband: Kylo Ren. You didn’t understand how or why Kylo put with all three of your kids being in the same bed as you two this morning, he looked so uncomfortable with a small hand on his face, a set of hips on his ankles, and his body bent in an unnatural position to avoid encroaching too much on Griffin’s space. He was most similar to Griffin in that he needed as much of your love as you could give him at any given moment. When you were all done taking care of the kids all day, cleaning the house, cooking meals, doing laundry, packing lunches for school, going to the playground, and whatever else you did while Kylo went to work, Kylo wanted you. Of course he loved his time with his children just as any father would, but when it came down to it in every relationship spending time with one another is important, whether children are involved or not.

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