Don't Kill the Messenger

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If you didn't know any better, you would have sworn your little daughter was in love with General Armitage "Hugs" Hux. The way she beamed at him the entire time, showing her teeth, crossing her ankles, and holding her hands in her lap, you knew she was trying to impress him for some reason, probably trying to panhandle more gifts off of him. They were sitting next to each other, Kaia, Hux, Kylo, You, Kaiser, and then Griffin. Everyone had served themselves and were now chowing down, Hux had complimented you several times on your cooking and you were feeling quite proud of yourself. "I see why Ren loves you so much now, my dear." Hux smiled at you, you blushed and looked down into your lap knowing Kylo was feeling all kinds of jealousy right now. It was clear what Hux's motif was when he walked through the door and into your home, and just his luck it was working just the way he wanted it to. Kylo has fired up, he had one-upped him with all of the gifts and lovely compliments. But oh well, you thought. This is exactly what he deserved when he invited the man over against your will.

"So General Hugs," Kaia started, all of his attention went to her, the two smiled dearly at each other. "Where is your wife?" She asked, your cheeks must have turned 20 different shades of red. "Kaia!" You exclaimed, that is not the type of thing a young lady should be asking a guest. You opened your mouth to discipline her when Hux held his hand up to you, effectively telling you that the little girls curiosity was quite alright and that he understood where she was coming from. "My name is General Hux , my dear. And I don't have a wife." Hux turned away, you could tell the constant butchering of his name was starting to weigh on him now as he opened his mouth to talk to you. "So, moving forward onto what I wanted to talk--"

"Do you have kids like us General Hugs?" Kaiser abruptly cut him off, it appeared that tonight, one of the most important nights of your life, would be the night your youngest children forgotten their manners. "Kaiser, he can't have kids if he doesn't have a wife." Kaia said, sounding thoroughly annoyed and rolling her eyes at her brother. "Twins, relax." You bit out, taking a peek at Griffin who was just sitting with his chin in his hand, silent and just observing everything going on around him. He looked afraid, especially because he probably knew his dad was wordlessly fuming over what Hux had done all evening long.

"It's okay, Mrs. Ren. But I am ready to announce--" Once again, your daughter cut his speech off with her own question. "When you have kids can they come over and play with us?" Hux cringed, you cringed as you warned Kaia to cool it, it was rude to interrupt people like that and you knew she knew that. At this point in the conversation you felt like it was such a terrible reflection on you as a parent, you looked over to Kylo for some sympathy and maybe even some help controlling your children, but what you saw horrified you to say the very least.

Kylo was smiling at Kaia, egging her on and encouraging her with his approving nod to embarrass the General even more. "Kylo?" You asked, tearing his attention away from his daughter and over to you. "A little help, please? Your children are not behaving."

"They're kids, y/n." Kylo said in a harsh tone, you were taken aback at the way he had spoken to you in front of Hux. "This is how kids behave, it's normal and I'm sure the General knew what he was walking into when he agreed to meet us for dinner." It was clear that Kylo was telling you to back off, that he was enjoying listening to his daughter rudely berate the General with personal questions. It was sickening and embarrassing, a low blow even for Kylo.

"May I speak now?" Hux thundered over Kylo, looking around the table at everyone for permission. The look on his face meant business, you recognized the look when the children tired Kylo out, it meant everyone needed to be quiet for a few minutes while Hux calmed down and said what he had to say.

"So, the reason why I came here tonight was--"

"General Hugs you look old for not having a wife, how old are you?" Kaia cut in once again, Hux closed his eyes as she began snickering along with Kylo. This was unbelievable, Kylo hated this man so much he would be willing to recruit his five year old daughter into tormenting him. "Okay, that's enough." You said as you started to walk over to Kaia, ready to drag her from this table and to her room. You were finished with Kylo and his silly games, the General was liable to kill you and your kids if this continued. "Nooo!" Kaia whined as you pulled her from the chair, Hux looked over at you and Kylo stood confidently on his feet.

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