The Truth

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You woke up the next morning still upset at Kylo for putting you and the children in danger. It always seemed to be a pissing match he was looking for with the General, always looking to make himself look so much better than him, but last night he took it way too far. You got up and got the kids ready and allowed Kylo to kiss you goodbye, then went your separate ways. You felt it was still kinda shallow to be upset at Kylo for what he did, but it didn't stop you from imagining what could have happened should the General had taken it too far. You tried to keep your angry grimace from your face as you stopped at Griffin's school first, then at the pre school where you dropped Kaia at her classroom first, then Kaisers at his last. Now you were free, free to be as angry at Kylo as you wanted to be without anyone knowing.

As you were walking away from the preschool, you had to give Kylo props for this little blessing. You had to fight him to build learning areas for the children. At first his stance was they would never need to be educated past what the two of you could teach them, they were meant to rule and they could learn while they experienced life, but that's not what you wanted for them. You didn't have it in you to teach each child what they needed to know, plus you'd have to have two different learning blocks: One for 10 year old Griffin and one for the five year old twins. You pestered him about it every day when the twins were infants and Griffin was still five, went days without talking to him and even went out to try and round up more people that agreed with you. Eventually Kylo caved, especially when you told him the more "exalted" members of the Order who had children could learn amongst yours, those children meant to become scientists or doctors in the Order. Within the next month a hallway was closed off and dedicated to learning, Griffin was the first to be enrolled in his prekindergarten class and when the Twins were 3 they were put in the preschool. Kylo had hired the most well known teachers to teach the Order's children, and he even allowed you to sit in on one of Griffin's lessons. You were satisfied, happy that your children would have the best education they could while in the Order.

When you got home that day you went to do your daily chores and you did so rather annoyed. Kylo had left a mess in the bathroom and left his pile of clothes from the previous day in the closet next to the laundry hamper instead of inside of it, he left tons of caked up toothpaste in the bathroom sink and then didn't even put his toothbrush in the holder where it belonged. And to top it all off he left his open bottle of whiskey on the bedside table, in plain view for any of the children to get to and drink it. You were so angry, couldn't remember if Kylo had always done these things and you had just gotten used to them or if he was just having a bad day. Either way, having to clean up after him after he had upset you so much annoyed you, but you didn't know if you had it in you to confront him about it.

You picked the children up and tried to get everyone to decide on dinner options, but that turned out to be a major shit show. Griffin wanted spaghetti, Kaia wanted burgers, and Kaiser wanted macaroni and cheese. This happened pretty often but it didn't often end in a fight like it did today. Kaia was telling her brothers to shut up, Griffin was trying to place his hand over Kaiser's mouth whenever he spoke, and all three of them argued all the way home and even after they had gotten home. You told them to chill, but for a solid hour they all decided to fight with each other at different points on the house while doing their homework. It was torture, they wouldn't listen to you and you halfway decided to make something different just so none of them would get their way.

You told them dad would decide and you sent Kylo the three different options. Much to your dismay, Kylo messaged you back and offered something completely different: lasagna. He even said he'd be working late and wouldn't be able to come home and help you with your three angry children or with dinner. "Shut up Kaia you're stupid!" You heard Griffin shout at your daughter from in his room, Kaia replied by telling him to 'shut the fuck up' and to eat his burger when he got it for dinner. You were so angry, so annoyed, and so irritated and decided you couldn't take it. If all three children plus Kylo wanted something different for dinner, and none of them could decide what they wanted, then you weren't going to cook. Your only option was to take the kids to the dining hall after the storm troopers ate at 5 pm, because you knew Kylo was not going to cook. Kylo never cooked, you had always been the one cooking in this relationship and before that he had all his meals cooked for him from the kitchen.

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