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Trigger Warning: Suicidal thoughts incoming

One sip of Brandy from Hux's kitchen cabinet turned into two, turned into three, and suddenly you found yourself bawling on Hux's couch. The two of you were taking turns stipping straight from the bottle, but it seemed that, close to your complete break down, you were the only one drinking from it. As you went on and on about your woes, about how your babies were missing without a trace, about how Kylo had broken your nose, and about how hopeless you were feeling Hux sat and listened intently to you. He looked so sad for you, the look broke your heart even more and caused you to break down harder.

"Mrs. Ren, I know that you've come to my home for comfort but I don't know that your husband will understand." Hux said, leaning forward just a bit closer to you. You were so drunk and could barely comprehend what he had said, but you managed to understand that he wanted to see your tablet. You unhooked it from your belt, took just a moment to admire the photo of Kaiser with spaghetti sauce on his face from dinner just a few weeks ago and then had to hand it over to stop the oncoming tears. Your poor boy who was probably so lost and terrified without his beloved mother, how could you have let him down so?

You watched as Hux swiped and tapped his away around your tablet, smiling as he handed it back to you. "I wanted to turn your location services off, I think the last thing we need is Ren breaking down my door and charging in." He tried to chuckle, but nothing about the situation was even remotely funny. He cleared his throat before taking another swing, looking at the floor before speaking to you once again.

"He's um, he's messaged you." He said awkwardly. It took you a moment to understand, but you weren't surprised to know that Kylo had been trying to get in contact with you. The last time you had seen him was hours ago, when he had sat you on his lap and demeaned you in front of everyone, blamed you for the loss of your own children. You didn't care that he wanted to talk to you, were too drunk to even be able to operate the tablet. Why should you even give him the time of day when he had broken your nose and then spoke so negatively about you in front of all the people looking for your children? You shuttered before placing the tablet next to you on the couch, swearing off any and off communication with your husband for the rest of the evening.

"Again, Mrs. Ren I'm so sorry that your husband thinks it's acceptable to treat you so poorly after the kidnapping of your children. He's a child himself, I can't even imagine treating someone I love so cruelly." Hux said, you tried to look him in the eye but found the task to be impossible when the only thing he looked like in your vision was just a mess of orange, white, and black blobs. You shook your head before you felt your heart creeping into your throat, you couldn't stop your lips from moving and pouring your heart and soul out to him, including some details of your life that you had kept private.

"I, I hate him! I've always hated Kylo Ren. He's done so many awful things to me and my children, but I don't have any other option to leave!" You began bawling once again, snatching the bottle of Brandy from his hands and taking a huge swing. "He's beaten me, he's beaten my oldest son, I just don't know what to do! Now that the children are gone I know things are gonna go bad again. The children, Kaia, Griffin, and--Kaiser! They were the only reason why Kylo kept his hands off of me to begin with. It didn't work for Griffin so we had to have the twins, and I know as soon as I walk through that door he's going to lay the most brutal beating ever on my ass for losing his kids. Hux, I'm so petrified!" You slurred, biting on the neck of the bottle as you continued to bawl. You could feel Hux's judgemental gaze on the top of your head. What the hell were you doing here? What the hell were you doing here drunk knowing this exact same thing was the reason why your children were gone in the first place? This was awful, you needed to leave, Hux didn't deserve to listen to your woes. Really you thought it was best to face your fears, take the beating now rather than later. Maybe Kylo would make it quick, maybe he'd even kill you and put you out of your misery.

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