Unexpected Dinner Guest

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After dropping the kids off at school you found yourself all alone, hanging the art pieces that the twins had drawn you last night proudly on the fridge. You smiled, Kaiser drew you a picture of your family standing on top of Star Killer Base and holding hands, all of your heads were abnormally large while your bodies, either rectangles or triangles, depending on if the person was male or female, were held up by thin black lines. The childlike innocence of his picture made you so warm and happy, however the order he drew you in was kind of discouraging: Kylo, You, Kaia (with her signature red hair bow on the left side of her head), Griffin, and then Kaiser. Kaiser didn't often spend time with his twin, if anything you thought Kaiser actively tried to stay away from her due to her explosive behavior.

Kaiser was shy and reserved, he didn't like to draw attention to himself and didn't like to cause or be apart of trouble. Kaia was outgoing and loud, always had to be the center of attention and often threw a fit if she didn't get her way. You supposed everything had changed when they were two, when you witnessed Kaiser snatch a book out of Kaia's hand. You scolded him and told him to give it back, but before he could Kaia stole the book back once again, wound her arm behind her back and slapped him across the face with it. That day Kaiser cried for hours, couldn't even stand being in the same room as his sister until the next evening at dinner time. It broke your heart so much, you wished Kaia hadn't been born with such a reactive personality.

Kaia's picture was much different than her brothers. While Kaia had inherited Kylo's temper she had evidently also inherited your artistic skills. She had drawn a photo of something you had decided to draw as well, that's usually how her art time at home went. Ever since she was an infant she loved to sit and watch you draw, even tried drawing sketches just like you. She never wanted to start small, with simple shapes or faces or anything like that. Kaia jumped right in head first at the age of 3, trying to imitate your complex drawings that took years to perfect. She had so much fun drawing on the paper that Kylo supplied you that, for her 4th birthday, she asked for a sketchbook just like yours. Kylo spoiled her to tears, bought her a full-size purple to black ombre sketchbook with her full name etched onto the cover in such beautiful white script: Kaia Kylo Ren. She also got her a set of colored pencils and regular pencils, not as expensive as yours but just enough to trick her four-year-old mind into thinking she was a real artist because she had so many different colors. You had never seen her so happy, and she made sure to draw in it every day.

Kaia's drawing was one you had been working on for two days now, a photo you had taken with your tablet in the cafeteria where you often went to retrieve your household groceries. You had decided to spoil your family and make them their favorite dessert: an unfrosted berry buckle cake. It was healthy and it was a dessert all five of you could agree on every night and the kids had been requesting it, so when you went to collect food for the week you made sure to get raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries. You had them all lined up in their bright blue baskets and thought: Why not take a photo to send to Kylo at work? They were ripe, juicy, and colorful and you knew they'd make him happy to know you'd be making his favorite dessert. When you got home after taking the time to unpack all of your food and putting it all away you took another look at the photo, the blues, reds, and blacks looked so striking and delicious, you had decided to break out your sketchbook and colored pencils, wanting to capture the image in your sketchbook forever.

You and Kaia had worked on the photo together, hers in her own sketchbook and yours in your own. It seemed as though she had finished hers without you however, as now you were looking up at it hanging right next to her brother's on the fridge. Kaia was incredibly talented for a five year old, although it wasn't perfect or anywhere near as skillful as yours, Kaia had blown you away yet again. Each berry had been drawn individually, so had each blue carton and she was even careful to mind the light source and add shadows where needed, just like you taught her. The detail on the berries was pretty amazing too, especially on the raspberries and blackberries where she had drawn each berry with a handful of minute circles to represent the makeup of the fruit. In the lower right corner she had signed her name in white ink, an obvious sign that she had gone through your marker collection without asking (again), and on the back of her drawing she wrote "To mommy, from KKR. Love you!" You shook your head as you admired both of your kid's drawings, happy to know that they loved you so much that they would draw artwork for you.

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