Breaking Bread

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"Hold still, Kaiser." Kylo scolded his son as he tried to tie the bowtie snuggly around his neck. "The General is due to come through the door any minute now, we need to get you and your brother ready for dinner."

"Daddy, I'm scared!" Kylo stopped to look at his son, he hadn't noticed the five year olds terrified expression as he fiddled with the small piece of fabric around his neck. "Scared of what son?" Kylo said, trying to keep his patience. It was going on 5:05 pm, he had invited Hux over against his wife's wishes at five o'clock. "It's too tight." Kaiser whined, resting his fingers on his adam's apple. Kylo sighed as Kaiser's whines slowly turned to slow tears, closed his eyes in order to calm himself. Getting upset over his young child's irrational fears would not make time stop, if anything he would lose time. "Kaiser, it's not even tied around your neck all the way." Kylo assured him, taking the tie from around his neck and holding it in front of Kaiser's face. The boy stared at him, Kylo always thought it was strange that his twins looked exactly like him but gained their mother's eye color and eye shape. Griffin mirrored his mother to a T, everything except for his hair belonged to her but Kaia and Kaiser? They favored Kylo except for their eyes. Well, there was a second feature they got from their mother, but Kylo didn't want to think about it since time was already of the essence.

"I think I got mine dad!" Griffin said, standing straight up from his bed and walking proudly over to him. He had dressed both of his boys in sharp, black suits while his women wore matching black strapless dresses. As far as he knew his wife had gotten Kaia ready and was adding the finishing touches to the food while he prepared his young men, which was proving to be more difficult than he thought.

Kylo turned to look at his oldest and tried his best to keep the disappointment off of his face, Griffin had tied the bow tie over the collar of his dress shirt and tied it like you would a shoestring. "No, Griffin. That's not right." Kylo bit out angrily, turning toward Kaiser once more. As he told Kaiser to hush his crying and threw the tie around his neck once again he felt a small tingle in the back of his head, Griffin had made his way past Kylo's mental walls he always had up. Griffin had probably seen Kylo's stress and frustration with him and his brother, and Kylo knew that Griffin could sometimes be sensitive to people's emotions just as his brother was.

"Griffin, get out of my head." Kylo said as calmly as he possibly could, his lips were pressed tightly together as he felt Griffin fade out of his head, his mental walls once again replaced. Griffin was so strong in the Force, he had trained him so well but he just didn't understand why he had gotten so strong so quickly. At the age of ten Kylo could hardly shift the Force around cleanly, but Griffin could break down Kylo's walls at the young age of seven. Maybe all those years of having Darth Vaders mask in his room really did help him.

Kylo had managed to tie the bowtie around Kaiser's neck within a minute even though he protested the entire time about choking and having his head fall off. As soon as his hands left the silky fabric they were replaced by Kaiser's frantic fingers trying to pull it off. He took ahold of his wrists and pinned them to his sides and forcefully told him not to touch it. It wasn't often that Kylo won these small, unimportant wars with his children, but when he did he felt like he needed to soak it in for at least five minutes.

"Kylo, the General is here!" he heard his wife call out from the living room. The pace of his heart quickened as he stood and walked over to Griffin who was looking quite sad, Kylo felt the guilt building in his chest over his resentful, rushed thoughts over two of the most important people in his life. "Stand up Griffin. Let me tie your bowtie." Griffin obeyed silently, as Kylo tied the tie around his neck he took it upon himself to look into Griffin's thoughts just as he did to him. Kylo had enough training to know how to do so unnoticed, especially by Griffin who was not skilled enough to block him

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