Comfort Food

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You had been laying on the floor with your eyes wide open for so long, and just like ice cubes slowly melting into a puddle you slowly got your consciousness back. You had been staring at the bathroom door, your vision was hazy until you began to blink rapidly. Your head and neck were wet, your head was pounding, and you still felt sick to your stomach. With your eyes shut you flipped yourself over onto your stomach, opened them just in time to see that you had once again vomited on the floor. But that wasn't the only liquid you had been sitting in. The other liquid you were sitting in was slowly dripping from your nose. You had been sitting in a massive puddle of blood and vomit, just the smell of the extremely fruity fragrance as well as the iron in your blood made you throw up once again, you caught yourself wondering when this nightmare would end.

The blood dripped drop by drop, and you coughed up even more as you worked your way up on your shaky legs. Your children, were they really gone? Had Kylo really thrown you against the sink in this very bathroom? The pool of blood that you discovered under you should have been a clear indication that at least the latter was true, but everything that happened before that was just so blurry; You couldn't even remember what had made you so sick to begin with.

You grabbed ahold of the bathroom counter and tried to hoist yourself up, and as you did you slipped in your own blood, hitting your face on the counter again and cried out when you found your nose began stinging in horrendous pain. You took a short break, holding yourself steady on the counter as you brought your finger gingerly up to the bridge of your nose and found there was some torn skin. You dropped your hand at the feeling of exposed flesh under your fingers, what had Kylo done to you?

With all your strength you lifted yourself to your feet, pushed on the counter and stood only to be nearly frightened back onto your ass. Along with the light pink vomit the right half of your head and face was covered in blood. Not only that, but the bridge of your nose was bent in a severely unnatural position and there was crusted blood coming from both of your nostrils. A shaky breath was expelled from between your lips and your eyes bugged out of your head. Kylo did this to you, this was all because of him.

You wanted to cry, to break down, fall back to the floor and bawl for the loss of your children, but sitting around doing such a worthless task would not accomplish anything. You weren't even sure how long you were knocked out for, how much time had you wasted in the hunt for your missing children? You took another few seconds to bring all of your emotions together and recenter yourself, then bravely turned toward the door. Your children, you needed to find your children.

The only thing you could focus on was putting one foot in front of the other, your vision was going between being crystal clear to being hazy and blurred. You felt as if you were on a ship, rocking back and forth as the waves hit the sides. You felt like you were going to get sick again, had to brace yourself on the dresser until your sights became clear again a few moments later. You lunged for the door, whimpering as you bared all of your body weight onto the door before pulling it open. Your body hurt, your nose was bleeding, you felt like you could drop to the floor dead at any minute. As soon as you felt like you could you made the first step into the hallway to the living room you did. One foot in front of the other, the house was so quiet. It was lacking six small feet running around terrorizing each other, one smart mouthed little girl who was good at cussing everyone out, one little boy who would likely be silently reading a book on the couch, and one boy who would have been kind enough to try and keep both of them pacified. Your home was missing your children, you were missing your children.

You had managed to carry yourself all the way out to the mouth of the hallway when you stopped cold in your tracks. Your living room had been taken apart, replaced with several tables lined up like conference tables as well as what seemed like 20 people sitting around them. Some of them had headsets on, some of them had pens and pieces of paper, all of them had laptops and beyond terrified faces. When they noticed you had staggered into the living room all of them that were facing you looked up, their terrified faces turning to ones of shock and horror. One by one they turned toward you until it came to the man whose back was facing you. He took a look around the entire table and then slowly turned to face you, and he was none other than the man that broke your nose against the bathroom counter.

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