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We regret to inform you of the most tragic event that has ever taken place in the entire history of the First Order. Commander Kylo Ren's three children: Griffin Han Solo age ten, Kaia Kylo Ren age five, and her twin brother Kaiser Kylo Ren age five as well have been kidnapped from their own home after their mother was poisoned by the bartender in the lounge of the First Order Base. The children were discovered to be gone when the Commander came home from work and found his wife near lifeless in their bedroom, gone without a trace. All security camera footage from that afternoon have been suspiciously erased and fleets of storm troopers have been searching nearby planets for the last 24 hours now in the hope that the children will be brought home safely.

You watched as the photos you and Kylo chose for the news outlet flashed across the screen right beside the news anchor. Investigators asked you for the most recent photos you had of your children, including ones wearing the clothing they had disappeared in if you had any. You had photos of your children hung around your home, family photos that you had cherished but none of them were recent. One of them was the photo the nurse had taken of your family the day the twins were born, another was taken when the twins were three and Griffin was eight. They were standing in the living room hugging each other, the biggest, cheesiest smiles on their faces as almost every inch of their bodies touched one another. When they fought like actual siblings, when they'd talk down to one another and hit, scratch, and bite each other, you had always found yourself casting your eyes to that photo. It proved that they could and did love each other, and that for every bad moment there was with your children there was always ten million more good moments to remind you of why you loved them.

However, as you and Kylo sat wordlessly going through your tablets looking through the most recent pictures of the kids while the investigator took notes in front of you, you knew that you'd take your kids fighting with each other every second of the day over not having them at all.

The video of Kaia in her brand new dress flashed across the screen, smiling and telling her daddy that she had a boyfriend. You wanted to cry, but had no more tears. You and Kylo had both cried until you could cry no more before the investigator had come to your home. Now it was dinner time, but before cooking you and Kylo decided to see how well the media was portraying the disappearance of your children.

"At least they cut the portion of her saying Hux was her boyfriend." Kylo said before reaching for the remote and cutting off the TV. Just the mention of Hux's name brought back the awful memories from last night. What a mistake, what a drunken mistake that should have never happened. You pressed your fingers into your eyeballs as you tried desperately to push the memory away. Kylo didn't deserve it and it did nothing but make you feel even guiltier about your current situation.

You felt him stand from the other side of the couch and step into the kitchen, then you felt safe to open your eyes and seek him out. You watched him reach into the fridge and pull out his alcohol of choice: Whiskey. You looked away as you felt your stomach churn, after last night you had sworn off all alcohol since it had gotten you into more trouble than you had ever been in.

"Y/n, where were you all last night?" Kylo finally gotten around to asking. You felt a nervous shiver run down your spine, you couldn't believe Kylo had inquired about your whereabouts so early. You began playing the the hem of your shirt as you tried to think of a lie off the top of your head, trying to go through what you could remember from the previous night so that if he did look in your head he would see your lie and your memory match. But you could hardly remember anything past bawling in Hux's living room over a bottle of Brandy, and you could tell from Kylo's face that he was becoming impatient with you. You had to say something and make it good, you couldn't let Kylo down again.

"Look for them." You said, crossing your arms in your lap and bending over your knees so that you wouldn't have to look at him. You closed your eyes and imagined walking down the halls of Star Killer calling out for your children, looking in the empty rooms and each and every dark corner. You were sure that if you had been sober that's what you would have done, and either way you thought you remembered calling out to the kids right after you were discharged. It wasn't technically a lie, but all you could do was hope Ren didn't see past your heartbreaking tales.

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