The Supreme Leader and his Wife

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After the hugs were finished, the tears were shed, and the fears had almost fallen off of everyone's shoulders, Andy had led you to Griffin's room where you found a bathtub and immediately threw the twins in. They were rigid, stayed close to each other the entire time while you viciously scrubbed their hair with the shampoo and conditioner you found on the edge of the tub. They smelled awful, similar to the condition Kylo had delivered Eli to you in so many years ago. Poor babies, your poor babies had clearly suffered in your absence.

As if their stench and awful hygiene wasn't enough to boil your blood and rot your stomach, you noticed scars and bruises had decorated their bodies. The pads of their fingers were bright red, inflamed and it caused them a lot of pain when you touched them. On their arms were puncture wounds, you imagined they had their blood drawn several times over the last month and a half. It looked like Kaia had the most trouble as she had lots of black bruises around her needle marks. There were bruises and scratches on their necks, back, ribs, and ankles, Kaia looked like she got the worst of it with at least 20 percent of her body covered in scars than Kaiser's was. You sighed, this was awful.

"And mommy! Those stupid bastards in the white clothes hung me upside down and said if I didn't use the Force they'd drop me on my head!" Kaia exclaimed loudly, twirling her hair in her fingers as you went to work on scrubbing her brother's arms free of a months worth of dirt. She was going on and on and on about the atrocities she was subjected to before your rescue, making your heart and stomach hurt at the same time. Kaiser on the other hand was as quiet as a mouse. Every time Kaia would mention something about being tied up in the corner of the room for days at a time, or having her arms stationed in a machine for hours on end he would look at her and then shy away. You noticed he looked so sad, so helpless as his ribs poked out of his skin and his eyes appearing to be sunken into his head. It looked like he hadn't had a good night's sleep in forever, and you felt like you were the only one to blame.

"Mama." He said, capturing your attention from his sister. You stopped what you were doing and looked at him right in his eyes, letting him know that his mother was there for whatever he needed. "I'm hungry, can we eat dinner now?"

"As soon as we're done in the bathtub, baby." You said, going back to scrubbing his back and chest. You were curious though, your children had been treated so poorly and clearly had not been fed as often as you would have hoped. So you asked him as naturally as possible, "When was the last time you ate?" He looked down into the light brown water, a short flash of shame hung upon his face as he shrugged his shoulders. You bit down on your lip to quell your tears, your child couldn't even recall the last time he had eaten.

"Oh, mom!" Kaia said, standing to her feet and pulling a washcloth off of the wall of the tub to rinse the soap from her body. She turned around to face you, her face searching for answers that you were sure you wouldn't have. You held Kaisers hand in your as you acknowledged her, rubbing your fingers over his knuckles in a small effort to bring him as much comfort as you could. "Is daddy here? I already know daddy will kick everyone's ass here when he finds us!"

That was your second worry after making sure your children were all taken care of. How would you go about contacting the First Order so that Kylo could come rescue you? You were so worried, so much so that you couldn't find it within yourself to correct Kaia's putrid language. In your eyes she deserved it, she had been through hell and back in the last month and a half and didn't deserve to be punished or reprimanded. You just wanted her to be comfortable, even if it meant she got to be vulgar in your presence.

You got the twins out of the tub and dry, each wrapped up in their own towel you led them back into Griffin's room where you found Griffin sitting idly on the couch looking nervously over two boxes of pizza. "Pizza!" Kaia shouted, running swiftly over to the boxes so quick her towel nearly slipped off her body. You gripped her to hold her still, looked around the room but didn't see anyone other than Griffin. What you did notice was three new sets of clothing on Griffin's bed: two small black sets for the Twins and one larger set for you. You pointed the twins in the direction of the bed and told them to dress while you walked over to Griffin and inquired about the pizza.

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