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His parents had put the TV on for him and his younger siblings before they disappeared into the bedroom. It was a Saturday, Griffin and the twins didn't have any school today and his father stayed home to be with the family. Griffin thought nothing of it at first, the cartoon his little brother liked to watch was playing idly in the background of Griffin's mind as he thought about what had happened to him in his bedroom the night before. His brother sat sitting next to him on the couch while his sister was in the kitchen doing something that produced very little noise. His mother would probably want him keeping an eye on her, but he had more important things to be worrying about than his mischievous little sister.

Mid thought a loud crash came from down the hall, sounding as if something breakable had been thrown against his parent's door. Kaiser jumped and both of the boys looked down the hall, but the only noise that followed was the sound of his mother's voice, loud and clear through the door.

" Throwing things isn't going to help the situation, Kylo!"

"Is that mommy, Griffin?" Kaiser asked, Griffin shushed him, trying to listen more closely to what was being said.

" I don't give a damn about where it belongs, I want it out of their room!"

He sighed, he had known all about this argument for a while now. His mother wanted the mask gone but his father swore up and down the mask was helping Griffin and would bring out Kaiser's Force abilities eventually. Then it would move to Kaia's room to help her, but his mother wanted nothing of the sort.

" It attacked him like a fucking poltergeist! If you don't remove it then I will when you go to work, and I'm throwing it away!"

"Y/n, don't you fucking dare!"

His father finally started yelling loud enough so that Griffin could hear him, he was half tempted to reach out to them with the Force so he could get a better idea as to what was going on behind the door, but he thought better of it. He didn't want to get in trouble while his father was going on a rampage.

"None of this would have even happened if you would have just done what I asked of you and come home when I messaged you!"

"I told you, the children and I were eating! I was having a shit day and didn't feel like cooking, did you just want me to pack them up mid-meal and come running back to you?"

Suddenly his sister came running out of the kitchen and next to the couch, looking down the hall as his parents blew up at each other. "Why are they yelling?" She asked. "Kaia, hush!" Griffin said in reply to her question, she had always spoken rather loudly and the last thing he wanted was for them to hear her talking about them, too afraid they'd come out here and involve them in their hateful conversation as well.

"No, I expected you not to cozy up with the General after he put your husband and the father of your children to shame!"

"For fucks sake, Kylo! Is that what this is all about? The children get cake from someone you don't like and all of the sudden you get a massive stick up your ass and we have to stay in the house for the rest of our lives?"

This entire thing made Griffin so sad, especially since his mother told him and his siblings to keep the treat from the General a secret. "Guys, did you tell dad about the cake we had yesterday?" Griffin whispered to his brother and sister, they both shook their heads. How would he have known? Griffin gulped as he imagined Kylo peeking in on his sibling's minds, knowing they were not well versed in hiding their thoughts. His father hated General Hux, and he knew that as soon as General Hux walked through those doors, his father would not approve.

For the first time ever, Kaia looked to Griffin for comfort. She looked scared, he knew the twins had never heard his parents argue this bad before. She climbed up onto the couch and snuggled under Griffin's arm, on the other side Kaiser mirrored her actions. "I've never heard mommy yell before." She said, looking up at Griffin. He nodded in reply, too worried of the fact that he couldn't hear what was going on in the other room. He thought that the argument was over until his father's voice thundered down the hall, so loud that he plus his brother and sister flinched when his voice carried all the way down to them.

Unteachable | Kylo Ren X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now