Alternate Ending | Chapter 18 Remember Me

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"Woah, daddy. Is this our new home?" Kaia askes as Kylo willed the door open with the Force. His arms were full of his beloved wife, still knocked unconscious by the brutal mind wiping he had subjected her to. "Yes, Kaia." He assured her, walking into his home and headed straight through the large archways and into his appointed living room. His old items sat in boxes that were stacked on top of each other, and with the twins running around checking everything out around them it made his living space feel more like an actual home. He had started to relax, to feel less out of place in this large, beautiful space that now belonged to him and his family.

He set his wife down on the couch to give his arms a quick rest, it was 7:30 pm and he had been flying all day long. Kaia was running around, getting into everything and was asking about everything she could from where was her room to where were all of her toys were, getting on Kylo's nerves as all he wanted to do was rest after his long day. He took solace in the fact that it was nearly 8 pm and that's when all the kids went to bed, but he didn't know if there would be a point since he would need to jump through several hoops to get them all ready to go back to school in the next few days. That was, if he could make school arrangements on their new home on the Supremecy.

"Daddy? Is mommy gonna make dinner? I'm really hungry." Kaiser said, coming up beside him and looking down at his sleeping mother. After moving her arm back on top of her body he reached down and pushed Kaiser away, too afraid he would disturb her rest and cause some kind of catastrophic reaction that he would have to deal with. "Yes, son. I'll order some food for us and then you need to get ready for bed." Kylo assured him, taking his hand and stepping away from the couch. "Now leave mommy alone, she's catching up on her rest." Kylo turned around and was startled to see Griffin standing right behind him, looking at his mother with a heavy look of grief in his eyes.

He looked so hurt, Kylo worried Griffin knew about what he had done to his mother. He took Griffin by the shoulder and pointed him in the direction of the stairs where Kaia had ran off to. "Go get your sister, Griffin. Tell her dad is ordering pizza and she needs to be downstairs. Griffin said nothing, instead turning to walk back through the arches and to the grand staircase where his little sister had taken off looking for her room. Before he could disappear Kylo stopped him, reaching out to his arm and pulling him back. Kylo stared deep into the boy's eyes, knowing that Griffin knew about so much more than he would ever let on to. He wanted to ask if he knew what had happened to his mother, ask him what had she told him about the way he had treated her, but he was too afraid. He didn't want to light yet another fire in his family when he was trying so hard to fix things. Instead he asked if everything was okay, if he had any questions about the new house. He shook his head sadly, taking his arm from Kylo's hand and heading toward the staircase. Out of all three of his children Griffin had seen the most. He hoped he would not have to put him through the pain of erasing his memories too.

The night progressed, after the pizza was delivered he helped the kids unpack their things, set up their bedrooms, and got them ready for bed. He bathed the twins together to save time and allowed Griffin to groom himself, then he saw them all off to bed. It took some coaxing to get Kaiser to fall asleep, Kylo even had to sit on the floor of his bedroom for half an hour waiting for him to fall asleep. He had moved his wife to their bedroom after setting up their bed and, with all of the kids finally asleep, he felt like he could finally spend some time with her.

He sat down on the bed next to her, gently whispered her name and nudged her to try and wake her, but she didn't stir. She sat sleeping soundly, flat on her back just as he had left her. Kylo sighed, he was hoping she would have already been awake by now but it would seem he had been too hard on her mind. Maybe it would be best that he go downstairs and unpack some of their things, she's already going to be disoriented about her new home when she woke up, he didn't want it to be too hard on her.

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