An Unlikely Hero

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"I really shouldn't stay."

"But baby it's cold outside." Hux jokes as he places yet another kiss on the back of your neck. Your sexual adventures had taken you to the floor of his living room this time, you had come closer to orgasm this time and he still hadn't made you cum yet, but at least Hux had. He still left no cum inside of you, you had to wonder if there was something wrong with him or if he willingly altered his body to be unable to produce sperm. You didn't want to ask, it was too personal of a question for someone who you didn't particularly care for. This was all still for comfort since Kylo refused to treat you like a grieving mother.

"He needs me."

"Obviously more than you need him."

"We have kids together. Kids that are missing."

"Kids that you had no say in having."

"He doesn't deserve to be alone."

"He doesn't deserve your love."

Hux guilted you into staying, kissing you on your your shoulders and grinding his cock into your ass once again. You knew it was wrong, but you still dozed off in his arms. He wouldn't allow you to go to his bed so you had to live with sleeping nude on the floor while Hux draped his arm over your midsection. You weren't asleep for very long though, before your body was wracked by a frightening jolt followed closely by a disheartening scream that seemed to only come from inside of your head. You sat up, Hux sleepily drew his arm from your belly as he pried his eyes open, freeing you from his grasp. "What's the problem? We were only asleep for half an hour." He moaned, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He sounded incredibly irritated with you, but at the time you didn't care.

You couldn't care, because you had heard that scream thousands of times before. It was your daughter, your daughter having one of her night terrors which caused her to cry out in the night. You could hear her scream clear as day in your head, she had a nightmare and you weren't anywhere around to comfort her just like you always had.

"Kaia had a nightmare." You said, reaching for the clothes Hux had nearly torn off of you and threw onto the arm of the couch. Your emotions were beginning to get the best of you, and soon you found yourself frantically dressing with tears in your eyes. "How could you know something like that?" Hux asked accusingly, sitting up and covering his body with the blanket he had gotten for the two of you.

You said nothing as you dressed, and as you pulled your shirt over your head you looked over at Hux, unable to hide the annoyance from your face. "Because." You said, gathering up your tablet and walking confidently to his door. "I'm her mother." You placed your hand on the sensor and waltzed out of the door, on your way back next door to your home. Your were hurting knowing that Kaia was in distress, and being at Hux's house in Hux's arms just made you feel even worse. Where were they? Who took them? And why couldn't anyone find them? It hardly seemed real to you, but as you walked into your ominously quiet home it became more than real. Your daughter was suffering and there was nothing you could do about it because someone had taken her from you.

You dropped your tablet onto the couch and dropped down next to it, once again the guilt was wrapping its slimy hands around your throat. You felt hopeless, like you were drowning in the sorrow that was being a parent to kidnapped children. Everything hurt at all hours of the day. There was a gaping hole in your heart that no amount of sex with Hux would fill, a looming sense of failure and regret that constantly clouded over you, a constant headache brewing in the back of your mind after thinking yourself into a panic attack wondering why. Why your kids? Why steal them? Why keep them from you? You had not encountered anything positive since they had gone missing, and with each passing second your hope dwindled more and more. You couldn't help but to wonder when that hope would run out, when it went from being the size of the smallest grain of sand to nothing. What would happen when there was no more hope? Because you certainly never wanted to give up the hope for bringing your children home.

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