Chapter1:New beginnings

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This is a sterek , it will be similar to Teen Wolf but not exactly ,mostly same characters with a slight plot change(or major plot change)

Stiles POV
"You can ring my bellllllllllll ring my bell , my bell my be-", I groan shutting off my alarm clock and sitting up.It's the first day of senior year , nothing's different , if you count my bestfriend Scott Mcall being a werewolf as different than I guess that is different.Im going to go for a new look this year.

(Shower Skip)

I put on a pair of Calvin Klein boxers and black skinnys.I threw on a white polo and white converse.I put on some John Barbados cologne and styled my hair in a quiff.

"Good Looking Mr.Stilinski", I say to myself looking the mirror."Mm , I'm Mr.Stilinski and if you don't wanna be late for school leave", my dad says says throwing my backpack towards my direction,I pick it up and chuckle at my dad before walking out to my jeep."Morning babe", I say patting my jeep and getting in."Off to a new year in hell", I mutter before driving off.

(Outside of school)
I look to my right and I see Scott and Allison in Scott's new Mercedes Benz.How the hell did he afford that , I think to myself for the millionth time.I look to my right and I see Derek Hale in standing next to his Camaro.I groan and get out of my car sighing."Whats wrong Stiles not happy to see me", Derek says smirking."Oh no Love , it's perfectly fine, I always love your company", I say sarcastically and he rolls his eyes.I walk over and give Scott and Allison hugs."Hey guys , what's the prick doing here", I asked."Best not to talk about your alpha that way", Scott says and I scoff."I respect him , I just don't like him", I say shrugging."Same goes here", I hear a voice behind me making me squeal."Derek , what the hell, how many times do I have to tell you no to sneak up on me like that", I yell.He shrugs and Scott starts laughing."Man you sounded like a girl", he says clutching his stomach still laughing while I rolled my eyes.

"Ok ok , but seriously why are you hear are any of the pack hurt",i say concerned.Scott and Allison eye me weirdly but Derek's reaction kind of caught me off guard.

"I don't know , but I've been looking for Isaac all night and I can't find him",he says scarily and my mind fills with emotion that's never been there before."Oh my gosh what if he's not safe", I say pacing around in circles."Stiles , stiles calm down",Derek says putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.I nod and I relax and he moves his hand."Weird",Allison says."I know",Scott replies.

"What", I snap."It's nothing , it's just you looked like you had maternal instincts and it was weird", Allison replies."Whatever", I mutter."Anyways we should get going bell is gonna ring in 5 minutes",Scott says.I nod at him and Allison as they walk inside.

"You Derek Hale better fucking text me if you find Isaac got it", I say pointing a finger.He rolls his eyes and leaves.And now I have freaking class.

"Hi class,im a teacher your a student , curriculum blah blah blah yadada, anyways your seniors ,you've been in school nearly your whole lives no need for me to explain how this goes , you already know and Mr.Whitmore, no chewing gum",Our Math teacher says.For some reason I want to rip his head off.Already.

"Anyways , In my math class, no gun , no phones, I don't tolerate attitude , no food unless I say so , no talking , no yawning ,yawning is rude,and no sleeping , follow those rules than this is bound to be a great year , I'm Mr.Andrews if you didn't already know" , Mr.Andrews said smiling.I hate him already.

"So , since that's out of the way I want someone give me a simple problem , an eighth grade problem,then write it down and solve it in steps", he said calmly sitting down and twirling in his chair a bit.

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