Goodbyes Are Hard

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Derek's POV
"So,you were planning on hitting the hay and not telling me",i ask the small boy,while I sit at his bedside with a firm grip on his hand while he holds it back with a weak one.He sighs and gently runs his fingers across my palm."I was going to tell you,and Peter,but I couldn't find the strength to do it.I didn't want you guys to be hurt,and I knew you would treat me differently if I had told you Der.",he replies.I scoff."And you don't think I'm hurt now.I was suppose to protect you from any and all things and you didn't even let me try.Maybe if you would've told us earlier than me and Peter could've found a cure-
"There is no cure Derek",he cut me off.I look at him wide-eyed."What are you talking about,everything has a cure",i state firmly.He shakes his head weakly."Deaton said that there wasn't a cure and that there was nothing that anyone could do about it.Im so sorry Derek for not telling you.I love you.",he apologises.I huff wiping at the tears that are threatening to spill."If you loved me you would've told me",i reply back stubbornly.I cannot believe he didn't tell me that he was dying."I love you,i do and I want you to promise me something",he asks,trying to sit up.I sigh pulling the weak boy onto my lap."Anything",i say.His breath becomes thin.He groans and lifts his head slightly."That when you kiss Stiles,and this day starts all over,to find away to stop it.You and Stiles are meant to be through fate,then why would fate be trying to stop it.It doesn't make any sense.Figure it out and be with him.I can tell how much you love him,and I can see how much he loves you.",he tells me.I let silent tears fall as I stroke Lucas hair."Another thing",he says."Yeah",i croak out in a hoarse voice."Please don't ever forget about me",he whimpers.I bite my lip to hold back the sobs that are threatening to spill out of my mouth."I won't,i promise you that I won't Luca.I love you too",i tell him.I feel him beginning to go weak and pliant in my arms."Luca no you can't.Hold on and stay strong for Peter.He will kill me if I let you die before he could get a goodbye in",I chuckle unhumorously.He coughs and lifts his head to my shoulder."Yeah,im here.Go get Peter",he tells me.I nod,gently laying the boy down on the bed.I plant a soft peck to his lips."I'll see you when I see you".

When I find Peter,hes outside and throwing rocks at the lake.I smile,to the best of my ability,at him.He looks so sad,and almost broken,if he could get any more broken.I place a gentle hand on his shoulder to let him know that I am here."Did he tell you",i ask Peter."",he sighs."Stiles,yes".
"He's dying.On his death bed right now and he really wants to say goodbye Peter",i reply,holding back more unwanted tears.He nods gently before getting up.He bites his lip and walks towards the house with no pep in his step.I look out on the lake and I sigh.Too much for "we will always be there if you need us,i promise"."Well,your not here Mom and Dad.This is me needing you",i scream."I need you guys so much and you aren't here.You lied,you lied to me",i crumble to the floor in sobs.They lied to me.

Peters POV
"When were you planning on telling me",i ask my beta while caressing his face in my hands.I knew this would happen.Ive said it before and I'll say it again.Everyone I love dies.They all die.This is all my fault.I should've never turned him.I should've never interfered,or even went out that day."I wasn't,i was going to leave one night and never come back.I didn't want to see the hurt in your eyes when I told you.I didn't want to have to see you see me like this.I'd rather you be angry with me for leaving,than me hurting you because I'm dying."he replies,coughing shortly afterward.I sigh,climbing into bed with with him.I wrap my strong arms around him,holding him hoping that I'd be his life-line."You should've just told me Luca.Of course I would've been sad and cried and maybe through a fit but it's too late now.Whats done is done.I can feel how weak you are",i tell him gently.I have to be strong for him,if not anyone for him."Im so sorry Peter,i should've told you",he apologises."Should've,would've,could've,but didn't.Its alright though.Ive got you.",i whisper to him,knowing his ears might be completely sensitive.

We sit in silence until we hear a gasp at the door.I turn to see that Cyrus is standing there with a pained expression.I sigh.Forgot all about that one.I kiss Lucas forehead before standing."Cyrus is here to see you.Love you",i murmur before leaving and breaking down outside of the house.I hate my life.

Cyrus POV
I rush toward my best friends death bed,picking his hand up and holding it gently."Oh Luca",i gasp examining his body.He looks so,weak,weak and afraid."Cyrus",he says."Cyrus I'm so scared",he cries.I nod pulling him into my embrace."Im so so scared of dying.I don't want to go.I'll be leaving you and Peter and Derek and even Stiles and I don't want to go.I don't want to not ever see you guys again.I love you guys and I'm so scared",he sobs.I hold onto him tighter,tears now spilling down my cheeks."I know baby I know.You should've told someone",i tell him kissing his hair.My best friend is not dying.I refuse to believe this."I know and I'm so sorry Cy",he cries,clutching me tighter."No,im sorry.Instead of running away with Stiles I should've been here for you.You and I have been through it all and I love you so much Luca.I was a horrible best friend and I should've been a better one",i apologise.He shakes his head."No,you have no right to apologise it's all my fault.I was so caught up in Peter and Derek that I forgot about you.Im the horrible best friend and I'm sorry",he tells me,crying gently into my shoulder.We don't say anything after that.We just clutch each other and cry,knowing that this is going to be the last time that we ever get to hug each other,or see each other.

Suddenly,i feel Luca go pliant in my arms.I shake him a little."Luca,Luca do you hear me",i ask."Luca wake up",i say frantically shaking him harder."No",i sob."You can't be dead,Luca wake up",i cry."Derek",i scream."No,no Luca get up,this isn't funny wake up",i sob.

"What happened",Derek says panting,probably from running up here."He's,he's gone",i sob brokenly."Oh",he says softly.I just shake my head and continue to cry.I can't believe he's gone.

Authors Note
This chapter was thought of because I never got to say goodbye to my brother.Life is short and we aren't promised tomorrow and we weren't promised yesterday.Goodbyes may be hard,but they are completely necessary.
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