Chapter 3

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Stiles POV
I don't want to wake up ,but unfortunately I have to.I groan getting up and rubbing the sleep from my eyes.I go into the bathroom and I brush my teeth and rinse my mouth out with mouth wash.After I wash my face and run my fingers through my feathery brownish blackish hair making it stand up a bit.I put on a simple outfit,a pair of light grey sweats that bunch up at the bottom and a white T-shirt.

I walk downstairs,and like most of the days I spend here,everyone is up before me.

"Hey Stiles",The twins greet."Hi moron",Lydia says and Allison snickers."Hi", Jackson says and Danny waves."Im not even going to say anything",Isaac says"Have a nice sleep",Scott asks.I narrowed my eyes at him."Whats he talking about", I say turning around facing Derek.He points to my shirt and I look down.Typical me putting my close of backwards."You could've just say that,by the way thanks a lot Scott",i say rolling my eyes when Scott chuckles.I take off my shirt and I throw it at his face smirking.I change my sweats so there on the right way.

"Have you been working out Stiles",Lydia asks."Why",i ask her."Because last year you had a flat stomach and now you have a nice set of abs",She said smacking her lip gloss."No I'm just growing into my body I guess",i said sheepishly.She nods."Scott hand me my shirt",i ask.He throws it back to me and I put it on running my fingers threw my hair.

"Full Moon is in two weeks Stiles",Derek said out of no where.I cocked an eyebrow at him."We will deal with that problem when it arises",i say looking at him."Thats not the only problem that's going to be 'arising'",Jackson said high-fiving Danny."Seriously Derek ,you told them",i ask punching him in the arm."Well what did you think I was going to , just come home full moon ready to jump your bones in front of everyone", he said making a faint blush appear on my cheeks."Are you a virgin",he asks.I roll my eyes."No,but I've never been with a guy",i say sleepily.He nods."If you need it me and Danny will be happy to show you how-", I cut Ethan off before he can say anything else.

"I no how it goes ,it's not like I'm going to be doing much anyway", I say.

"Hey there's a lot more than taking it to being a bottom,Ethan here is a power bottom",Danny says proudly.Ew."That is not something I needed to know , I don't need sex ed from my pack",i say tugging at my hair a bit."You sure",Derek asks smirking."Oh can it you", i say smiling lazily.He smiles and gives a sweet kiss to my temple."Whatever you say babe", he says going back to drinking his coffee."Aw that was cute",Allison says."I know right ,they'd make a power couple ,but only If Stiles were a power bottom",Danny rants on."Oi,can we stop talking about my very nonexistent sex life with Derek", I say blushing."Aw your blushing",Lydia says."And now I'm leaving", I sigh walking upstairs.

Derek's POV
I sigh as Stiles walks upstairs.I want to make him feel as comfortable as possible but he couldn't be more uncomfortable."Could you guys leave the sex talk to a minimum, I can already smell his nerves", I say looking at the pack."How are you so like okay with it ,when he's still having a hard time grasping it",Lydia asks.I shrug."I figure there's nothing you can do to change it so why try to fight it", I reply honestly.She nods in response.Gosh,im going all mushy.I facepalm inwardly yelling at myself.I hear someone clear there throat and I look up.

"What Scott", I say narrowing my eyes.He puts his hands up in defense."Don't go all 'I am your alpha hear me roar',on me I just wanted to know what the plan is for full moon ,there's still two newbies who don't have triggers ,were going to need to chain them up", he explains."Correction 1 newbie,my trigger are my parents",Jackson says smugly looking at Isaac.Isaac bites his tongue before whispering something in Jackson's ear making him blush.What was that all about.I raise an eyebrow at Lydia and she shrugs and mouths 'Were not together'.Huh.You learn something new everyday.

Isaacs POV
For a while now me and Jackson have been hooking up.He needs to get laid,i need to get laid,he's a good fuck and so am I.Its a win win really.

I look at Jackson when Scott explains to Derek how we need to be chained up.

"Correction 1 newbie ,my trigger are my parents",Jackson says looking at me smugly.

I bite my tongue before going up to whisper in his ear.

"Keep up the bad boy act,it's hot", I whisper hotly in his ear making him blush.High-five to myself.Derek raises an eye brow at Lydia and she shrugs.Shit there on to us.Eh,who cares ,I'll do what I please with my boy parts.

"Something going on there Isaac",Scott asked arching an eyebrow."It doesn't concern you",i reply resting my hand in Jackson's lap raising an eyebrow at him."Huh,okay then",he countered shaking his head."And I have a trigger", I say looking at Derek.He narrows his eyes."What is it", he asks."The serene examples of my inflicted wounds that I deceive to be false",i say sarcastically."Okay ,now what's your real trigger", he asks."Jackson",i say shrugging."Me",Jackson asks looking flustered."Him",Derek says pointing to Jackson."That Jackson",Scott says pointing to him."The more gays the better",Ethan says smirking.I roll my eyes."Can we not talk about my love life",i ask.

"Aw so you love me",Jackson says batting his eyelashes.I shake my head."I love the things we do in the bedroom",i say sipping my tea making Scott splutter."Ew ew ew don't talk about that",Aiden says covering his ears."Your acting like you've never heard about sex before",i look up at him."Ew you guys do that stuff",Aiden says childishly."Hey,i don't appreciate you guys talking about my sex life",Jackson says waving his arms."Me either",Stiles muttered walking downstairs.

"I'm going out I need to go on a walk",he Stiles says grabbing a jacket.

Stiles POV
"Your not going anywhere without a wolf",Derek says possessively.I cocked an eyebrow and I crossed my arms."Last time I checked you weren't my alpha and i can take care of myself", I reply.He rolls his eyes."Stiles,just because your my Ultra mate doesn't mean you can go anywhere and not let the pack no,what if you got hurt", he asked.I sighed."Derek I'm leaving,i will not get hurt,i told you I'm going to go on a walk,i need to clear my head",i say walking out and leaving.Gosh ,who new leaving would be that hard.Crazy Alpha.

I know it's not long but it's progress.Follow me on Twitter @Vanessa29020

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