Different Day,Every Day

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Stiles's POV

"I'm so sorry for all the things I've said,you know I didn't mean them.You know we had to pretend to hate each other but I'm still so sorry.Is there anything Deaton can do,there has to be some hope",i say shakily to the little pup while standing in the door frame."It's okay Stiles,i forgive you,honestly.There is no need for apologizing now,we did what we needed to do.As for a cure of some sorts,there isn't one.Deaton told me that there isn't any thing that he can do about it.",he replies,laying back on the mused up bed."But,are you sure.Peter won't take this lightly",i tell him.

Deatons POV(same day Luca met the pack)

"Luca and Stiles,could I talk to you guys",i ask the two teenagers.They nod walking towards me."Whats up Deaton",Stiles ask.I look to Luca and he sighs."Well,before I was turned I had this disease.It was very rare and it was insured to kill me.When Peter explained that we could almost heal from anything I was ecstatic.I hated this disease and wished nothing but for it to go away.Turns out,werewolf healing wasn't enough to cure me.I will die in a couple of months.",he explains with no emotion.Stiles gasp."Im so sorry",Stiles tells him.Luca nods."Now boys,things are going to happen involving Peter and Derek.Unfortunately there is no way to trigger this alone.We need you Stiles to pretend that you hate Luca.It's going to help things fall into place,it will also draw Peter and Luca closer.I cannot tell you the exact reason,but you are going to have to trust me",i explain to the two boys.They nod still confused."Thankyou,but trust me,this will benefit you two in the long run.I must go,remember never to tell anyone this conversation".

"I know",he sighs."It's okay though,he needs to know and so does Derek",he replies.I nod."They will be devastated",i tell him frowning.He nods."I understand that.I'll always be there though.As for you,please don't hurt Derek.I am trusting you not to hurt him",he smiles weakly."Keep an eye on Cyrus for me also.He cares for you a lot,so I'm glad he has someone",he continues.I nod,giving him a swift peck on the forehead before leaving the room.

Derek's POV

"Why are you lying Stiles.He's fine",i huff.Luca is not dying,he can't be dying.Stiles frowns."Im sorry Der but it's the truth.He wanted me to tell you.Im so sorry",he replies.I laugh humorously.Luca has to be fine.It's not possible.Im suppose to protect himHe has to be fine."Derek",Stiles whispers.I shake my head."Where is he",i ask.He points upstairs and sighs."Im sorry",he repeats,kissing my cheek.I swallow my tears before walking upstairs.

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