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Hello my children,so sorry I haven't updated.So,my Wattpad twitter account got hacked-bitches.So now am I going to promote my stories on my actually twitter account because I have that one locked and secured-with also more followers to promote my stories.Thankyou very much if you took the time to read this.

My Twitter Account is @LiveInLovePayno

-Yes-Directioner here-


P.S.If you are a directioner we find out if we broke the Vevo record mañana

Hence the picture.No chill at all.

Also,if you want to chat you can DM me on Instagram.My username is @LiveInLovePayno

You can also text me,i won't give out my number unless you ask me for it by DM or by a message on Wattpad.I look forward to writing more stories based on a Sterek storyline seeing as you guys like it so much--Thankyou for your time and consideration.


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