Trapped In A Personal Hell

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Derek's POV

"What the fuck just happened "I ask Peter.Ive checked every calendar and every website.Yesterday shouldn't be today,today should be today.Fuck!What the hell,how is that even possible.Just when I get Stiles every thing turns to hell.God!"Well,to put it shortly.Since you and dipshit didn't profess your love when your asses were suppose to,everyone who knows about the Ultra Mate facade is going to have to relive this day over and over until fate has it's way with how this day was suppose to go.Basically,you and Stiles will grow closer over the days and then when your relationship is at the point where it should be today or yesterday,then we can move forward.",Peter tells me.I look at him in shock."You have got to be kidding me",i ask,my eyebrows furrowed and my mind trying to process the information.I do not want to live today over and over.I groan shaking my head."Thats impossible",i mutter.How can that even happen."Well if you want to talk to Mr.Master or whoever the fuck runs this universe be my guest Derek",he replies sarcastically.I glare at him.This is not the time for Peters...ways.He just raises his eyebrows and puts his hands up in defence.I sigh."Is there any shortcuts",i ask.He shakes his head."Not that I know of,it has to do with your heart.You can't just force the process to speed up.It takes time,but it shouldn't matter if you love him",he says running a hand through his hair."When did you become a wise old man",i ask chuckling.He laughs and shakes his head."My moments come and go",he shrugs.

Speaking of Peter becoming wiser.He is also becoming nicer,and a better person.Im really glad that he is getting back to his old self.I know he will never be the old uncle Peter that I used to know,but he's coming pretty close.You can't ever heal completely from a traumatic experience as bad as ours,and I didn't think it was possible to ever be happy again.But,im happy that I have Stiles.Peter has Luca and.....Garret?

"Since we are not pissed at each other,which is rare,i want to ask you a question",i ask."Alright,shoot",he replies."What was your real reason for biting Garret",i ask.It's not like Peter to do something so...random.He always has a motive.This is Peter we are talking about,he could be planning mas murder...again."I say potential in the boy.He is going to be a good fighter.Plus,i get lonely",he replies.He actually told me the truth,odd."But you have Luca",i ask confused.He sighs.

"I've done and said bad things to Luca yet he still forgives me.I have no clue why,ive been horrible to him.Luca shouldn't even be around me,im the worst influence",he replies.Huh,what a big softie."He forgives you because he is the definition of good,and everyone deserves a second chance.And he loves you.Just,promise you won't treat Luca like you treated Scott.Dont push him away to focus on Garret.Do you know Scott is still upset about that.He never had a father figure and it hurts to get pushed away by the closest person to a father figure.Lucas dad well,you know.And,i don't want to rip your head off for hurting him so,yeah.Thats about it",i tell him seriously.I really don't want to have to hurt Peter on Lucas behalf,but I will if I have to."I didn't know Scott felt that way",Peter says sorrowfully.I can tell he really regrets what he did.I admire him for that."Well,he doesn't easily hide emotion",i tell him with a raised eyebrow.Scott isn't so subtle."I guess I never paid him any mind.Gosh that just adds to the list of fucked up shit that I did",he says running his hands down his face.That'd be a long list."Just,go apologize.He will except it,its Scott",i remind him.He nods and leaves me.But not without a swift hug.I roll my eyes at him.He is going so soft.

Scott's POV

"So,im stuck in today because my fucked up of a best friend ran away and didn't get with Derek",i ask Lydia."Basically,sorry hon.",she replies.I groan running my hands down my face.I really don't want to relive this day.But,fuck me because I don't have a choice."Alrighty then.So what would you like to do as we relive this day",i ask Lyds.She shrugs while putting on more lipstick.I roll my eyes.Stupid girls and makeup fanatics."Dont diss the gloss",she warns,but I can see the playful glint in her eyes.I roll my eyes once again."Stop rolling your eyes.They will get stu-

She was cut off by my door opening and slamming shut.I look up to see my ex-alpha looming over the room."Red,out",he tells Lydia.Lydia huffs getting up and walking out with her heals clinking as she walks.

"What do you want Peter",i ask him.He frowns,a face I haven't seen before."I came to apologize",he murmurs.I raise my eyebrow."For what Peter.For turning me,for killing the people I was trying to protect",i scream at him.He nods."I deserved that.But,i wanted to apologize for turning you and then leaving you",he states.I look at him waiting for him to continue."I shouldn't have done that.I was suppose to be your Alpha,to guide and protect you and I failed so I am sorry.I know how much it hurt and I'm sorry.If I could take it back I would",he apologizes.I just sit in shock.Peter Hale apologizing,un sarcastically.Today is full of surprises."You can't take it back though.Im no longer your beta,so why apologize now",i ask."Because I know you hate me,and because it's the right thing to do",he replies."Yeah,and when have you ever done the right thing",i ask.He groans and growls."Im trying to do the right thing by you Scott,why can't you understand that.Im sorry,i apologize,Lo siento.Would you like me to say it in any other language.What more did you want",he asks me,his voice raising slightly."All I wanted was for you to be there for me when I only had one person.",I tell him.What about that can't he get.Apologies don't fix things."Then,i'll be there now.Whenever you need me call.We can hang out if you want.I just,want to make it right",he explains.I think about it for a second before nodding."Alright,alright",i mutter.If he's actually going to put in an effort to be there for me then,i will let him.Maybe he will be redeemed along the way.

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