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Dereks Pov

Me and Luca are sat on the couch relaxing.Its been a week since the full moon and Stiles has been avoiding me.He wont look me in the eye,he wont even reply when i talk to him.He ignores Peter also.Hes been spending most of his time with Cyrus while i'm , 'Peter,Luca,Derek' trio.The rest of the pack has been in the dark about whats been going on.Scott and Lydia have been trying to get Stiles to open up to them,but he still just blandly ignores them.The twins and Danny have been doing there own thing,just confused about whats been going on.The rest of the pack doesn't question it.

"Stop thinking so much,your going to get a headache",Luca mumbles into my neck,shifting his position on my lap.I chuckle a bit and i strengthen my hold on him."We heal profusely easily ,i cant get a headache Luca",i tell him while stroking his hair.Truth is,i can get a headache,i just don't want him worrying himself too much about me.I feel my headache slowly going away.I don't think much of it until i look down and i see black veins going up Lucas arm.I pull away and i sigh."Luca,don't",i tell him."And why not",he replies back "Your going to hurt yourself your going to make yourself weak baby",i say running my fingers through his hair.And that's the first time i used that term of endearment.He freezes and so do i."I'm,uh I'm sorry,i didn't mean to",i say lost for words.He relaxes into my arms and just sighs."Its ok,Der,i kinda like it,i like being cared for so much,my parents never cared for me",he tells me.I squeeze him a little bit tighter while puffing out a breath of air."Ill always care for you and protect you,its my job".

"Beautiful Really",Peter says with a bit of sarcasm while plopping down beside us on the couch.Luca removes himself from my lap,as i expected,and he sits on Peter's.I sigh,already missing his warmth.

Peters Pov

Luca removes himself from Dereks lap to come and sit on mine."I love you Peter",he says ,his breath against my neck.And he does this everytime.To remind me , i suppose."I love you too pup", i tell him while i run my hands up and down his arms.I can feel Derek giving me a death glare.He always gets upset when Luca gets off his lap to come and sit on mine.Its always been a compition between me and Derek,i dont want Luca to be a cometition,he loves us both equally.

"You hear anything from Stiles",Derek asks me.I can tell that Luca is frowing at Dereks question.Luca has never liked Stiles."No,still ignoring me",i say rolling my eyes.Derek nods.I can feel the sadness radiating off of him.Hes really upset about the whole Stiles situation.

"Don't think about it nephew,he's not worth it",i tell him.No ,I'm not going soft.Never.

"I've tried to,believe me I have,but I can't deny that I dont feel anything for him,its eating me alive and I can't take him ignoring me",he says.Luca is frowning.He gets up and plops back down on Derek's lap."It'll be alright Der,you have me and Peter,you'll be alright",Luca tells him.This is odd.Seeing Derek Hale break.I didn't know the doe-eyed human could have this effect on him.Luca nuzzled his face into Derek's neck.I could see the tension fade from his body as he pulled Luca tighter.Its not news to be that Luca calms Derek,or always lightens his moods because he does it for me too.Now I see why Stiles is jealous.No ones ever been able to break through Derek Hales hard shell,and Luca just comes along and he doesn't even try,but he does it anyway.I can see where Stiles is coming from though.If I didn't know Derek or Luca,i would've thought they were a couple.Jealousy.Ah ,gotta love it.

Cyrus POV

"OMG that's your real name HAHAHAHA",i laugh rolling around.I can't believe that's his real name."Hey don't laugh",he pouts."Ok ok",i say and stop laughing."Thankyou,dont tell anyone ,you and Scott and my dad are the only people who know",he tells me."I feel honored,i will keep your secret",i say."K,now I'm hungry let's go get something to eat",he says yawning and standing up.I nod and we walk downstairs.

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