Chapter 5

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Lucas POV

The Pack seems very nice.Peters nice.I trust Peter and Derek,and Scott seems trustworthy.But that Stiles kid,i don't know,something seems off about him.Im not sure if I could trust him quiet yet.Isaac seems pretty cool,we have something's in common so we get on well.His boyfriend is weird though ,nice enough but weird.Lydia and Allison say that they like me because I'm a more stereotypical gay than the other gays in the pack.There kind of odd.The twins flat out scare me and I don't know which one is which.Danny is very quiet,but he gets me out of stuff when the pack is being weird which is awesome.I found out Scott use to be Peters beta,it kind of made me jealous.Not in the way your thinking though.Its like if your parents had a child they favored more or of your the youngest and they treat the other one better.Its something like that.Peter assures me that he barely even likes Scott because he helped in making him lose his Alpha status.That made me feel kind of better.I learned Allison's dad is a former hunter(that's my last name :)) but he's on our side now because the pack doesn't kill innocents.Peter opened up to me about everyone he killed and everything he's done,he said he's trying to change,but I don't want him too.He seems kind of decent.I learned that Jackson and Lydia used to have a thing.Anyways there's a lot of things I have learned basically.Sheriff Stilinski is Stiles dad,Stiles Is not his real name,Scott and Stiles shared there first kiss in seventh grade and I really didn't need to know that,i learned that Derek's whole family burned in a fire,there was a Darach who went on a killing spree ,also an alpha pack which Ethan and Aiden used to be apart of had a killing spree,basically there was a lot of killing.

I'm sitting on the couch and just thinking of everything ,it's a lot to take in ya know.That my Alpha,let's just take it to a halt.I have a freaking Alpha ,I'm s freaking werewolf.Before this I was just a quiet boy with an attitude ,an abusive psychotic father and a rich mother who was never home.Now I have a father figure,i have so many people who just accepted me into there life so easily.They all have there own story ,each and every pack member.Ive talked to all of them individuals and there story's really touched me.Aiden,before apart of the Alpha pack he was always in shadow of Ethan.Ethan was always the better brother ,nicer,better looking.Aiden said he joined them so willingly because It was a chance to be equal,to not have to hide in the shadows of his brother.After the Alpha pack ,and this pack took him in,Aiden said that he realized that he never had to be in the shadows,that It was just his own jealously and anger overriding his love for his brother.Ethan,Ethan told me that he only joined the Alpha pack because of his brother.His brother was always he main priority and he never had a life of his own until he was taken in by Derek.Now he's living his own life,but he still keeps time for his brother.Then there's Jackson.Jacksons parents died when he was very young.He was adopted but only rebelled because he was so hurt that he didn't have his own parents ,his biological parents like everyone else.So,he did what every other teen would do.He channelled his anger on his adoptive parents and became a rich stuck up prissy.Being In a pack changed him though ,he realized blood doesn't make you a family.Hes still teased sometimes about it though but it's all out of fun.Lydia is a simple case.She just simply wanted to fit in.The pack helped her become her own person.Now Allison.Allison simply wants power,she craves being powerful ,but it's all for the right reasons,to help.Danny.Danny is still closed off from me a bit.I can tell that he doesn't trust people easily.I admire him for that,you cannot just willingly trust people easily.Scott,my favorite story.For someone who's dad walked out on him,he trust people super easily.I have heard many people have screwed him over.Its just in his nature though ,he believes there is a good In everyone,he always wants to help.Scott wants to be able to save everyone.I think he has that type of potential but it's very unlikely.I admire him for his outgoing behavior ,and his mentality to always strive to help.Stiles.I don't know much about Stiles.From how I can see him carry himself,hes an odd person.Theres just something off.Theres so much strength and love that revolves around this family and I'm happy to be partially apart of it.

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