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1 day till full moon

Stiles POV

Every since we met Luca ,I haven't had any attraction towards Derek.Like none ,at all.It just sort of vanished.It's like back to normal now.Besides him hating me and him Peter and Luca attached at the hip.Speaking of the devil.

"Hey Stiles",Luca greets me sitting down next to me with Peter and Derek.Oh yea ,did I forget to mention he's being nice.I bet it's some sort of game.He can't just change over night.

"Hello Luca",i greet back fake smiling.Derek's fingers are mindlessly tapping Lucas thigh as he greets me.

"Hey Derek",i say in reply.Peter just chuckles at the awkwardness.

"Hey guys",Cyrus says walking in.Thank The Lord."Hey Cyrus ,how are you this evening",i ask.Why am I talking formal?I don't know.He giggles a little before replying."Im doing good,my fine sir",he tells me.Luca looks a little mad at me and Cyrus talking so I decide to take it up a notch."Yes I very much am a fine sir,you don't look so bad yourself",i say.Cyrus just laughs it off ,and takes a seat on the couch.Luca is red in the face and looks beyond angry.Derek takes in his appearance and runs his fingers through his hair calming him in almost an instant.Peter glances my way rolling his eyes as If to say 'you'll never win'.

Lucas POV

I'm trying to be nice to Stiles but I can't when he flirts with my bestfriend purposefully when he's supposed to be kind of with Derek.I relax into Derek's touch and I decide to pay Stiles no mind because that's just going to give him the satisfaction."Hey Der",i ask in a whisper."Yea",he whispers back."Whats going to happen tomorrow,the change,will it hurt",i ask slightly scared of what was to come.He sighs a little before replying."Just don't think about it ok",he says.He looks off,like something is wrong.I sigh and I just choose to trust him.

Peters POV

"I don't know what happened I just know that the 'hormones' and stuff stopped when Luca was brought into the picture I don't know what this means",Derek says pacing Deatons office.He thinks something is wrong because he no longer feels anything for Stiles."Have you told him anything",Deaton asks."As in what",Derek asks."Like 'I don't like you' , or 'i wish we weren't mates' or something along those lines",Deaton asks.Derek stops for along moment before speaking."I told him the other night 'and to think I was looking forward to being mated to you'",he tells Deaton."Oh",Deaton asks surprised."Well why'd you say it ,was it because of anyone"."What Stiles said caused Luca to get hurt ,I don't want him hurt",Derek says.Deaton hums and nods."Have you been gaining feelings for Luca",Deaton asks."No", me and Derek both shout."Ok,ok I'm just asking because when you wish you weren't mates with someone the feelings gather from the mate to the person your closest to besides your mate ,not even 'lover' feelings just friendly",Deaton says and then he looks at me."Or family",he says as if something clicked.

"Derek a month ago you wouldn't even stand in a building with Peter ,now you guys are In a building together and not arguing",Deaton explains."Ohhh",Derek says nodding in understanding."What ,I'm confused",i say."Your an Alpha ,when Luca hurts ,you hurt because of natural instinct,the feelings transferred to you because I was hurt about Luca being hurt because of Stiles,and we've been closer lately because of Luca,it kind of makes sense if you put thought into if t",Derek explains.I nod."Now I get it",i say rubbing my hands over my face.

"Is that bad",Derek asks Deaton."If it last for so long ,you could lose Stiles as a mate,but he'd be swapped for Luca,the only way to get Stiles back is to do what was originally going to happen tomorrow",Deaton explains.Me and Derek nod.

Derek's POV

"So you have no attraction towards me once so ever",i ask Stiles as me him Peter and Luca sit at the couch discussing this situation."No none at all",he replies.So maybe that hurt just a bit."Ok,the only way to reverse that is if we ,ya know",i explain to him awkwardly."What if I don't want to",he presses."Then ,I guess we won't be mates",i tell him."That's fine",he replies.I bite my lip to keep from frowning or maybe even crying."Ok",i say and he gets up and leaves.

"You ok Derek", Peter asks me."Um ,yea I'm fine",i lie.Luca frowns."Your lying",Peter says."Ypur heart skipped a beat,or maybe two",he goes on.Luca rests his head on my shoulder and presses a gentle kiss on my neck."You'll be ok without him",he tells me.And for a second ,I believe him.

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