Assumptions and Falling Action

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Derek's POV

I growled so loudly I think Alaska could here me.Why in the holy hale (haha hale) is Stiles on top of Peter kissing him;let me repeat that,KISSING HIM.What the hell has gotten in to everyone's brains today.Stiles slowly pulled away shocked.His face was flushed and his lips were very pink.His hair was messy from where Peters fingers were.He gets off a ruffled up Peter,who has yet to open his eyes.I look at Stiles hurt.How could he.I feel a sharp sting in my arm making me wince.Lucas claws are piercing my skin making me bleed.I don't acknowledge it,i know he's mad.

All of a sudden Luca let's go of my arms and I hear a loud ...


I look at Luca shocked beyond belief.Stiles has a huge handprint on his face and Lucas fists are now clenched."I knew you'd hurt him again",Luca growled pushing Stiles back,hard."Why didn't you just stop and get out of his life the first time you hurt him",Luca continues,pushing Stiles back again."Cant believe you,you ass",Luca growls his fangs now piercing his bottom lip."Luca stop",Cyrus shouts walking towards Stiles,as he comes into the living room."And why should I Cyrus ,he was kissing this",he says pointing to Peter.And again ,I'm shocked.Luca was closest to Peter.He must be really mad."This",Peter mumbles."You don't say anything,what the hell Peter,Stiles out of all fucking people Peter Stiles!",he shouts."Why are you so mad anyways",Cyrus asks as he holds Stiles.Lets just say he is now added to the list of people that I don't like."Because I can be,he hurt Derek,and then my Alpha ,who just so happens to be Derek's uncle,kisses this bastard",Luca growls.And now he's fuming.

"Hey Luca no,dont loose control",i tell him calmly."No",he shouts."How can you be so ok with this",he asks."Im not okay with this I'm just thinking about you and what will happen if you loose your control",i reply.Luca just shakes his head and looks at Peter disappointingly before he storms out of the house.

"What the hell Peter,i can't believe you",I yell at him."Could you just let me explain for once before going on a rampage",he roared.I quieted down and nodded.

Flashback(In the living room after dinner) Peters POV

We had just got back from dinner ,and as I guessed Luca and Derek,as well as the rest of the pack went upstairs.Now it's just me and Stiles.Right as I was about to follow the pack Stiles stopped me."Hey Peter",he says with a firm hand on my chest."So no more ignoring huh Sheriffs kid",i asked."No,no more arguing or ignoring,i want to prove my point,if I'm wrong then I won't bring the subject of it up again",he says looking into my eyes with dark brown dilated doe eyes."What are you making your point on",i ask ,confused and not quite getting what he was saying."I still think Luca likes you,or maybe even loves you,and I want to test my theory",he replies."How are we going to test your theory",i ask making air quotes around the word theory."We are going to kiss and see how he reacts,simple as pie",he states.My eyebrows shoot up high."Woah woah woah,wouldn't that make him angry",i ask.

"Yea,but that's the point ,he's gonna get angry ,were going to ask him why,if he gives a legit answer not involving you than we know he's not into you ,and well vice versa",he explains.I nod,wanting to test this theory myself."Another thing,you have to clear your mind,think of something you like or something,we have to actually be into the kiss for them to believe it's a real one",he explains.I nod while taking a deep breath.He does the same and we lean in and kiss.Its not as bad as I thought,hes a good kisser.I entangle my hands In his hair as I pull him closer.Stiles slowly pulls away as we hear a gasp.I hear a slap and then Luca starts to ramble.When I hear him give his answer for why he's so upset,i know that he's not into me and that i proved him wrong.

Flashback Over

"And that's why I kissed Stiles.",Peter explains."This was his idea",I roared pointing at Stiles.Stiles shrunk further into Cyrus's chest."I just wanted to prove a point a point Der,i never intended on hurting you",Stiles apologizes.And he was telling the complete truth,heartbeat didnt skip.But i cant forgive him,hes just going to hurt me again."You never intended on hurting me,but you did,im sorry but i dont think i can forgive you for this one",I tell him holding my stance.I cant be weak for him.Even if i do love him.He doesnt say anything,doesnt try to fight for me,so i leave to find Luca with Peter.

Stiles Pov

"He hates me,god he hates me",i whimper into Cyrus's chest as Derek leaves.How much more can i screw up.I mightve just ruined everything with Derek."What is wrong with me,why do i always have to ruin everything",i cry.Cyrus sighs and rubs my back,continuing to hold me."He doesnt hate you,he hates that you hurt him,maybe it wasnt intentional,but hes still hurt,and that hurt is whats motivating his actions",Cyrus tells me.That really didnt help me feel any better,now i just feel worse for hurting him.How could i hurt the person i love."How do i fix it",i ask.I have to be able to fix things with Derek,i cant loose him for good.Not now.Not ever."Maybe he just needs some space to sort out his emotions,and gather his feelings for you",he replies."How am I going to give him space when we live together",i ask.It was hard enough avoiding him,how am I going to give him any more space than I already am.I love him,i really can't believe that he's this upset with me.If he wants me and Luca to get along,hes not going to get it.Me and Luca just don't get along and I don't know why.Its like a force is pulling me away and saying "stay away from him".

"Hey don't overthink this",Cyrus murmurs into my left ear."Lets go somewhere and get a hotel,we can just chill for a little while,just the two of us,take your mind off things,just for a little while,how does that sound",he mumbles while nudging his head further into my neck.What will everyone think,what will Derek think,what will Peter think, "What will Luca think",i ask voicing my thoughts.Even though I don't like Luca,i don't want his relationship with his bestfriend ruined,because of me."Luca,ahh worried about that huh.Luca will be upset,he will think that there is something between us.The thing is,we won't be telling anyone where we are going,were going to leave a not,saying we've left for a while and that we are fine",he explains.Wow he really thought this through."It'll be fine",he whispers.I nod pulling back from him."How long will we be gone",I ask."One month,two tops",he tells me.I nod.Maybe this will be a good thing.

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