One Way Or Another Im Gonna Find Ya!

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Cyrus Pov

Its been two weeks since me and Stiles left.I booked us a hotel in Long Beach,California;its called 'La Familia'.Its a family hotel so we had to tell the receptionist we were married;it was hilarious seeing her face turn from shock to confusion.Never the less she let us by.Its been nice spending time with Stiles getting away from all the madness.Hes good company,and i can tell he loves it here.I love it here.The sunsets are beautiful,the people are nice and our view of the beach is to die for.Plus,well i get to be with Stiles.I have to admit ,i do miss Luca.I mean,how could i not;he's supposed to be my best friend.But hes not living up to his best friend expectations.Whats a best friend really?Best friend:Noun 1.The one friend who is closest to you~a person you know well and regard with affection and trust;someone you confine in.I'm having a hard time confining in Luca when he spends most of his time with Derek and Peter.I understand that Derek is his protector and Peter is his Alpha ,but im his best friend.There not suppose to override me in status there suppose to stand next to me in Lucas life.I've known Luca for way longer and i know i that i know him way better.But that doesn't matter now does it when he puts them first.

"Cy",Stiles asks,ripping me out of my thoughts.I hum pulling him closer to me,seeing as we are cuddling and he is the little spoon while i am the big spoon.His hair tickles my neck and i giggle a bit."Its been perfect here with you",he tells me.My breath hitches momentarily.The only  person I've ever been this close with was Luca.Maybe that's why we get along so well,because he reminds me of Luca.Or maybe its because he's the only one sticking with me and showing me the love and affection that i crave."I agree,and thank you",i reply."For what",he asks confusedly."For sticking by me,I'm so glad that i met you",I counter."Hmm,i'd never leave you,i care to much",he tells me for reassurance.His words make my heart flutter.I love him;as a friend.I care about him a lot and it never ceases to amaze me why."I love you",i voice.I feel him shift a bit before he's on top of me,nearly crushing me into a hug."I love you too",i hear him whisper against my neck.

Stiles Pov

I sigh as he squeezes me.We hadn't said i love you yet.Its weird how someone can get so close to another person in just a minimum amount of time.I feel like I've known Cyrus for years.All hes ever been is perfect to me every since the day we met again.He cares for me,maybe even more than Scott does at the moment.My stomach churns when the memory of me and Scott saying i love you for the first time enters my brain.

Flashback[Scott and Stiles 14 years old]

"I know it sucks,and im not going to tell you i know how you feel because i dont,but i will tell you one thing,you have a loving and caring father,i don't Stiles,and your so lucky for that,and I'm lucky to have him too because he treats me like his son.You don't have a mother,but i do.But your still lucky because she treats you like her own.So,please Stiles,stop crying",fourteen year old Scott tells a distressed Stiles on the anniversary of his moms death."I cant ,i just cant,it was all my fault,if i was just a good kid she wouldn't have died",Stiles says through tears,clutching onto his only hope of happiness;Scott,like he was his lifeline.Stiles continued to sob into Scotts chest,as Scott rubbed his back and whispered soothing things into his ear."You'll be okay,you have me,I'm here,i'll always be here,Stiles i love you",Scott murmured continuously into Stiles ear until his sobs subsided."I love you too",Stiles whispered back as he fell into a deep sleep,with his best friend.

Flashback Over

I feel tears going down my cheeks.I sigh wiping my cheeks with palms;rubbing my eyes a bit.Why do my emotions choose now to over whelm me.Scott has  been there for me for so long,but lately he hasn't been,and i dont know why.On the other hand Cyrus hasn't been here long at all,and yet he has showed me that he'd always be here for me through everything.Im just so confused,yes mighty awesome Stiles is confused,sometimes my over intelligence makes me stupid;if that makes sense.

"You okay?",Cyrus asks me while putting his hands on my hips."Yea just thinking of Scott,memories can be overwhelming some times",i reply chuckling a bit."Oh",he says tugging his bottom lip with this teeth.I frown a bit at his reaction.Did i upset him."Whats wrong",i ask worriedly."Its just",he sighs"I know you miss Scott,and if you want to leave that's fine,i mean the idea was stupid anyways",he rambles a bit.I cant help but find it adorable."I don't want to leave Cyrus,calm down,yes i miss Scott but its only normal,im sure you miss Luca too",i reply.He sighs before nodding."Sorry,its just I'm used to people leaving",he says not making any eye contact with me.I frown and i lift his chin up so our eyes are back on the same level."Now i told you before I'm not leaving,nor will i ever,and i will make good on that promise,in fact i give you my word",I tell him.He smiles ,blushing just a tad."Thank you,now can you get your fat ass off of me",he replies cheekily.I roll my eyes as i get off of him.Today is going to be fun.

Peters Pov

I've been trying to find Stiles.The clues he left me were:A Long Board,a picture of a beach and a picture of my family.I've figured he's in Long Beach,but i have no clue why he gave me a picture of my family.It just doesn't make any sense.I groan,flopping down on my bed next to Luca,who is currently reading a book."Whats got you so worked up",he asks ,while he sets his book down on the night stand beside him."Im trying to find Stiles,the clues lead me to Long Beach but im trying to figure out where in Long Beach", i reply.He hums and then crawls to the side of the bed next to me and plops down next to my torso."As much as i dont like him,i will help you find him",Luca says.And fuck,why is he so kind.And why is helping me find his 'arch enemy'."Okay so i need the clues",he tells me.I sigh,getting up and pulling the clues out of the last-to-bottom drawer.I walk back over to the bed and i hand them to him.He studies them for a moment before he starts laughing."Whats so funny",i ask going to sit next to him.He shows me the back of the family picture.In bold it reads "HALE FAMILY AT THE HOTEL 'LA FAMILIA IN LONG BEACH CALIFORNIA"."You really have to start paying more attention",Luca tells me when his laughter subsides."Yea,yea,yea hush,lets go tell Derek",i reply.

Dereks Pov

"So you really think they are there",i ask.I want to make sure before Peter plans on taking a five hour trip to Long Beach."Yea it makes sense based on the clues that Stiles left",Luca replies.I nod looking to Peter."When are you planning on leaving and for how long",i ask."Tomorrow,and maybe a week",he replies."A week",Luca sqeals in protest."A week isnt that long Luca",Peter tells him."It is when i havnt even been away from you for a day before",Luca argues."Luca your a big boy who cant take care of himself,you have Derek if you want or need anything",Peter tells him."But i wont have you",Luca wines."Luca,now thats enough",Peter demands.Luca growls and stomps up to his room."Seriously Peter",I tell him."Im tired of winey,bitchy little teenagers everywhere.Its so annoying.They are always soooo 'misunderstood' and blah blah blah,cry,cry,cry and its getting on my damn nerves",Peter snarls while storming out of the house.All the while Luca was sitting on the top step,listening.

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