Unexpected Surprises

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Garrets Pov

There kidding right?Do they think I'm stupid,a werewolf?Yeah right."Your kidding right,a vet and a stupid police officer coming in here and telling me that I'm going to turn into werewolf...are you guys on something",i shout."And how the hell did i get here",i shout once again,furious,irritated and just flat out exhausted.The last thing i remember was walking down the street and then blacking out.I swear if these grown men in costume don't explain things I'm going to hurt someone."No need to shout Garret",the walking nurse told me."How do you know my name,and why am i here",i ask calmly this time.He rubs his temples and walks away."I'm the Sheriff of Beacon Hills,i know most of the kids names who go to the high school,and as for why your here ,well we already told you",he states pulling something out.When it comes into view i can see its a badge."Do you really expect me to think that i am a werewolf",i ask incredulously.Those type of things don't exist."I know your confused and i know you don't quite understand.I was the same way when my son first told me about his best friend being a werewolf.And about the pack that he was in.But its real,would a Sheriff lie?",he replies.I shake my head in disbelief."I'm going to need proof if you want me to believe anything",i say firmly.He sighs and nods."I knew you would,that's why i brought an Alpha with me today",he says ,moving and revealing a man,handsome,looks to be in his late twenties early thirties.He wears a white v-neck,cut off jeans.He has this look that says -I'm the boss-."Correction,you brought his Alpha with you today",the man says smirking at the Sheriff."Peter,you did what?",he roars.This 'Peter' character smirks a bit more before rolling his eyes."I wanted a new beta,don't scold me in front of my new puppy",he mock-whines.The Sheriff groans."Just shift you royal idiot".

I glance at Peter curiously.He cocks his neck slightly to the side before he opens his mouth,fangs appearing and his eyes turning a light shade of red.He has claws retracting from his finger-tips and this look makes him look....intimidating.Who would've thought that there would actually be werewolves in Beacon Hills.

"Believe us now",i slightly nod.

"Okay,so you,are my new beta,you will live with me and the rest of the pack.Obey me and i wont kill you.",Peter tells me smiling.I roll my eyes at him and his threat."Fine,but 1,you will not call me puppy,and 2 I'm hungry so get me some food",i reply standing up and stretching.I'm surprised at how well I'm taking this.He grumbles something about 'stupid teenagers' before he's grabbing my arm and dragging me ,hopefully,to get some food.


So we did not get food.He's a real pain in the ass.

When the car comes to a stop,i look up to see a two story house,marble covering it,balconies on the side and about 7 cars in the drive way.He must be loaded.I gawk at the house before he snaps his fingers in front of my face.I snap out of my trance,looking at him for direction."The front door is right there,get to stepping",he says pointing at two huge mahogany doors.When i approach them i hesitantly open them peering inside before i step in.Peter pushes my back gently as he comes in and closes the doors behind him.Eight faces look my way as i come into a huge room,I'm guessing its the living room.To my surprise i recognize a couple of them.Scott and Jackson from lacrosse.Allison and Lydia from Math and English.And Ethan from...well him and his brother are the only twins in school.Everyone knows them.

"Scott,Lydia,Allison,Jackson,Ethan,and Aiden",i say slowly.What the hell are they doing here."You know them",Peter asks."Lacrosse team and school",i confirm.'Ah',he nods."So are all of you werewolves",i ask out of curiosity."He knows",a guy in leather shouts angrily."My,Beta",Peter says smiling,but its not a happy smile.A guy who looks sixteen,shoots his head up quickly at the sound of Peters words."You already have Luca why would you need another beta",the guy in leather asks.'Ah',the sixteen year old might be Luca.Peter shrugs."Why have one when i can have two",he replies smirking."Seriously Peter",the guy in leather yells.And now ,when i take a better look at him i can see that this is Derek.Derek Hale who was accused of burning down his house,which i personally thought was bull shit."Derek whats so bad about Peter 'turning me'",i ask."How in the hell do you know my name",he asks gruffly."Hale house fire,your famous in Beacon hills",i reply.Peter stiffens next to me.I look up to him confusedly."What",i ask."Peter Hale",he mumbles sighing and rubbing his palms over his face.Oh..shit."Sorry,didn't mean to hit a sore subject",i apologize.'Luca' shoots me a glare as he places a gentle hand on Dereks shoulder."Its fine,anyways,its bad that he turned you because its dangerous.There is alot of things in Beacon Hills,things that can kill as fast as i can transform.It's too dangerous for new betas who don't know what there doing",Derek explains.I nod slightly,taking in the new information."I will teach him Derek he will be fine",Peter says.Derek sighs."Don't screw up",he replies before going upstairs.

"Don't mind Derek;he is always Mr.grumpy pants now adays",Peter tells me.I nod awkwardly.I haven't even been here a day and I'm already causing problems.Great."Sorry you had to witness that Garret.I promise it will get cooler when they are wolfed out throwing each other through walls",Scott says laughing.My eyes widen slightly."Isn't that dangerous", i ask."We heal easily,lighten up",Scott says nudging my side.I nod slightly.There is alot i have to learn about this 'werewolf business'.I sigh.This is not going to be as fun as i thought.

"Hey,it'll be alright.I was new to this once too and i suck.I tried to kill Derek on multiple times on full moons,my emotions still go all out of whack when where close to a full moon,which we are.Just a week.",he says making my eyes go wide.

"Okay,okay stop you aren't helping.Look Garret",Ethan says putting his hands on my shoulders."It is not that bad.The only hard part is fighting villains and shit.The rest is fun and games.Your a bad ass werewolf now.Kay?",he says."Okay",i sigh,feeling better.Scott throws his hands up in the air and walks upstairs.Ethan and Lydia laugh."Don't pay him any mind,let me show you the ropes".

Liams Pov

"You positive",Maria asks."Almost 100% positive.They are from the Hale pack.",i whisper-shout."How do you know",she asks."Well,I've seen the boy with the Alpha when i was driving home one day",i tell her,hopping onto the counter."Alright,do you know which one,is well,you know",she asks,copying my actions.I shake my head no."I think its the doe-eyed one,he kind of looks like you",she tells me.I nod."I was thinking the same thing when i first walked in.He eyed me suspiciously.That's why i greeted you in Spanish.",i tell her.She replies by smacking me upside the head."Owe",i mutter rubbing my head."Oh hush",she laughs."Why'd you hit me",i pout."Because,you were suppose to talk to him,not make him think you cant even speak his language",she says sighing."Well what was i suppose to say",i ask incredulously." 'Hey,I'm your brother,you mom had me before she died.Oh yeah,the only reason she died was because my birth affected her because I'm half werewolf.She got dizzy and crashed the car.Oh and your dad is not your dad or mine.Our mother had an affair.Surprise",i mutter sarcastically."Um no but a simple hi would've been okay",she mumbles."You're such an ass",i tell her smiling slightly."Yeah yeah yeah,so are you gonna talk to him",she asks.I sigh as i face palm."No,he already thinks i speak Spanish.I should just give up,there is no way he is going to believe me.",i say sadly."Hey,lighten up a bit.Just get to know him a little at first,ease into his life and then...",she trails off.I nod my head murmuring a quick 'got it' before hopping off of the counter top."I'll talk to him,but if it turns out bad,i told you so",i say walking out of the back room.I sigh making my way over to the table where the two boys sat.

"Um,hi,I'm Liam,are you from the hale pack",i blurt out before I can stop myself.There mouths hung open as they both said 'shh'."Yes,how the hell do you know that",the doe-eyed boy asked."Well,i was looking for someone under the name Stilinski",i ask."Why",he asks immediately."Its about my mother who passed a while ago,Selena",i ask hoping he'd tell me where my brother was or if he was my brother.He jaws clenches as his small hands make a fist."Me,I'm Stiles Stilinski",he says as his fist slowly unclenches his fist as  his right hand intertwines with the other guy's hand.

"Um,is your mother Selena",i ask hesitantly,afraid of his reaction."Yes",he grits out."I'm Liam Ranger the 3rd,um i used to be a Stilinski until i found out,m- our mom had an affair with Ricky Ranger,our father,also Alpha of the Ranger Pack",i let out breaths.He had a confused-shocked and pained look on his face."I'm sorry to dump this on you all at once ,but i wanted to get to know you,tell you the truth.I know how it feels to have been lied to your whole life.I found out about you three years ago.I've been searching everywhere.",i tell him honestly.I want him to know that we are on the same page,and that i understand.I was going to continue my speech because of his lack of words when i see someone i thought id never get to meet.


Authors Note


i haven't been posting recently,I'm sorry--

its hard maintaining and balancing my twitter account,high school and my social life,choir practice etc..

i will be posting more often though,this is my most read book on wattpad and that rubs my ego the right way so i'll continue to post because it seems like you guys like this story

my twitter is @DaddyL_123flick ... don't ask

I might make a twitter account for all my wattpad books so you guys would know when updates will be,and for character ask and what not

Thanks for reading <3

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