The Irony Of The Situation pt.2

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Don't bother looking for us because you won't find us.We've masked our scents and turned off any and all forms of GPS.Peter,if you want to talk I left clues for you and only you to find me.Tell Scott,Alli and Lyds I'm on vacation or something.Luca,im truly sorry that we don't get along,im not a bad person and I'm sorry for hurting Derek.Ill see you guys later,goodbye."

As read the letter my mouth becomes dry.How can he feel anything for me?Me.Crazy,Psychotic,Manipulative Peter Hale.Why,out of all people,me?I turned his bestfriend into a werewolf for gods sake.What is wrong with him?This just doesn't make any sense.And now,Derek will probably hate me,when I've sent so much time trying to win his trust.

About my feelings,i don't know.I don't know if I can even feel anymore,let alone for the doe-eyed human.Even if I did,i couldn't do anything about it because of Derek and Luca;plus,everyone I love I lose.I'd surely lose Stiles if I allowed myself to feel for him,in any way.I lost my wife,my kids,my sister,my brother,my whole family for gods sake.A dry sob escapes my mouth when I think about them.Stiles,wouldn't be safe with me,he'd always be in danger and he wouldn't get a love that consumes him;all he'd get are bad habits and a broken heart.

"Peter",Derek asks."Hmm",i hum,not trusting my voice at the moment."Are you okay",he asks worriedly.And no,im not ok,im heartbroken,i miss my family.Im not okay,because I'm such a screw up.But I won't voice my thoughts,all that's going to come out of that is pity.I despise pity.

"I'm fine",i tell him shortly.I don't want him seeing me weak,i don't want him to see me break down.

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