Trust Who Can Be Trusted

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Luca's POV

"How could he say that ,im not a whiny little bitch of a teenager,how could he be so careless and inconsiderate of my feelings,he's such an asshole",i rant to Derek after Peter leaves."He's just stressed out Luca,don't worry yourself over it",Derek tells me."Stressed out about what Derek,i understand he's stressed about the whole Stiles thing but he knows were he is now,thanks to me by the way,and if anyone should be stressed its me,i have no parents,i can barely cope with being a werewolf,my best friend ran away with my fucking arch enemy,but no one seems to care right,because everyone cares that Stiles is gone,everyone cares that Erica and Boyd are alive,and no one even has time for me,and you know what i may sound like a little whiny bitch of a teenager,but i dont care",i shout."I know Luca and im sorry but i dont fuel Peters actions ,okay Luca,what do you want me to do",he asks."Your Job",i whisper."Your suppose to care for me when nobody else cares,and your suppose to protect me from any and everything from words to wounds,your suppose to help me get rid of this stupid feeling clenching around my heart",i croak.I need someone to take care of me.And if its not going to be Peter and Derek,i can settle for Derek.He pulls me into a gentle hug,inhaling my scent."Ok.ok i've got you",he tells me.It takes me a moment but i eventually sink into his embrace.Our moment was soon ruined when i heard the front door being opened and slammed shut.Derek hesitantly pulls away from me as Peter comes into the room wolfed out,his eyes glowing red.

"Whats gotten into you",Derek asks Peter.Peter just chuckles breathlessly,his claws and fangs retracting.He takes a couple steps towards us before he is right in front of Derek."Nothing has gotten into me,my dear nephew",Peter says walking around us in circles making me fear his next move."Hand me over my beta",Peter asks kindly."Never",Derek states him and Peter having a stare down."Hand me my beta Derek",Peter growls.I whimper and hide behind Derek.This isnt the Peter i know."Stop it Peter,you are scaring him",Derek tells him."Good,he should fear me,i am his Alpha,not his friend,i shouldn't even have allowed myself to get as close to him as i did",Peter spat.Derek shakes his head disbelievingly."I wont let you hurt him,i wont let you touch him,i'll protect him always".

"My dear nephew,you have to learn that in this world your not always going to be able to protect everyone,there is always going to be someone that you cant save",he says sighing."When will you ever learn Derek?",Peter asks."You couldnt save Paige,you couldnt stop Kate from setting our whole family on fire,you cant save everyone so stop trying to",Peter growls.

"I can protect Luca and i will,even if its from you"."I wouldnt hurt him Derek,there you go again thinking so low of me,your molding him into a pansy,he needs to be molded into a fighter or he will never make it",Peter states.Is he right?I dont know.I know that this world is filled with scary things,things that are going to be hard to fight.I know i wont make it if i cant fight,but that doesnt mean i have to have such a cold and sour outer exterior."Your right,but he doesnt need to be some mean cold person thats hated by many Peter,i dont know what happened to you when you left out that door,or where your sense went,but im not letting him ruin his life like you ruined yours",Derek says.I gasp at his harsh words and Peter just nods."So the truth comes out huh,you think ive ruined my life and theres nothing left for me,tell me Derek do you really care about me,or were you just putting up with me for Luca's sake",Peter asks.Derek sighs."You know that i care,we are family",Derek replies.

"I'd hate to end this family argument but i have come with news",a lady with blonde hair says walking in.She's beautiful,her hair is died brown at the tips,she's wearing leather and she has a gun in her right pocket.She has this lopsided grin on her face that resembles a smirk,but not quite.Peter is clenching and unclenching his fist while Derek is just utterly shocked."Kate",Derek asks."Hey there handsome hows life going",she replies.My jaw drops.Kate,as in the Kate who killed Derek's whole family.That Kate that screwed Derek over."Just peachy until you showed up",he snarls."Hate to love me right?", she asks."Anyways,i came hear to tell you something",she says jumping onto the edge of the couch."I got two from your crew smooching it up in long beach,i thought i'd tell you because it'd put a damper on your moods",she snickers lightly."Kate your lying,i know that there is nothing going on between Stiles and Cyrus",Derek says rolling his eyes."Now when have i ever lied to you babe,i only burned your house down because that's what i do,I'm a hunter,i was never going to hurt you,i loved you and i would never kill you baby,now,did you hear my heart skip a beat Der,no it didn't",Kate tells him.Derek's face holds so many emotions."Get out",he whispers."Just get out",he tells her."My pleasure,goodbye Derek,good written Peter",she says before leaving.

"I'm done talking to you for today Peter,don't harm Luca in anyway or i will have your head",he says before trotting upstairs.I step away from Peter as Derek disappears upstairs."Do you really think i'd hurt you",he asks."You've told me about the people you have hurt and killed.I don't think you'll hurt me but i know you are fully capable of doing so",i tell him.He just sighs and runs his hand threw his hair."I told you before,I'm trying to change,but you need to be molded into a fighter,even if Derek is right and you don't need to have such a nasty personality,you still need to learn how to drop people as easily as you've gained them because one day,just like Kate did to Derek,someone that you love,or someone that is really close to you is going to turn around and stab you in the back,then they are going to try to regain your trust,you being you are going to let them just to turn around and get stabbed again,be careful who you trust young Beta".

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