The Irony Of The Situation pt.1

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Stiles POV

"Can you write the note,im going to bring out suitcases into the car",i tell Cyrus.Were almost done with everything on our list to do before we leave.As time went on I started to warm up to the idea of going away,and giving Derek space.This could be good;I get to spend time with Cyrus,while Derek figures out his feelings."Yeah,sure,dont take the blue bag though,i don't need it,and is there anything specific you want me to put into the letter",he asks me.I nod while I hand him a sheet of paper with some of the things that I want to be in the note.I roll the suitcases out to the car,throwing them into the back.I dust off my hands ,before walking inside.

"Cy,we're going to need to get rid of any electronic devices and we have to mask our scent so they don't find us",i tell him remembering that we were running from wolves."I already have that covered ,our hotel is near a river and the water will mask our scents,i snuck into Derek's room and turned off all GPS systems,I'm about ready,are you",he asks."As ready as I'll ever be",he sighs.He pulls me close,wrapping his arms around me as I do the same,snuggling into him.He nudges my head to the side,puffing hot air onto my neck."We don't have to do this If you don't want to",he says.I sigh laying my head on his shoulder."I do,its just,i won't just be leaving Derek,id be leaving Scott and Lydia and Alli,and I just",i trail off"i just don't want them to be upset or disappointed",i sigh",i don't want them thinking I'm running away from my fears and not chasing them",i reply.He hums and pulls me closer."Your not running away,we're just taking a break that will benefit both you and Derek",he tells me.I sigh pulling away."Cyrus this isn't Biology,it isn't mutualism,its real life and I may just loose Derek",i reply.He frowns and bites his lip."If you love someone,set them free Stiles,have you heard this saying?Yea ,I thought so,but that isn't what we are doing,you are not going to loose Derek by leaving for a month or two,maybe you should stop being so hung up on Derek,and live a little",he replies back.It makes sense,so why not."Alright alright,lets go",i say taking his hand and pulling him towards the jeep."Away we go".

Isaacs POV

"You heard then right",Jackson asks me.We are cuddled up in bed tuning in to downstairs conversation."Yeah,are we telling Derek",i ask.He contemplates his answer and the. He shakes his head no."Its none of our business and it'll be a little fun to see a fight".

Derek's POV

"You smell that",Derek asks me when we arrive home from finding Luca.Luca,who is currently attached to my hip,and ignoring Peter entirely.He's still very upset with him for kissing Stiles."Yeah someone's missing",i reply taking a whiff of the air.It doesn't smell like pack."Not just one,two people",Peter says confused.He walks upstairs,to examine the house ,I'm guessing.I stare blankly at the stairs until he comes back with his brow furrowed,eyes scanning over a piece of paper;a note."Whats that",i ask.He stops at the last step growling lightly ,before reading.

"Dear,trio.Peter ,Derek and Luca.Im leaving;not permanently,but for a month or two.You,Derek,obviously need time to sort out your feelings,and I'm willing to give you some space;Cyrus is coming with me.Another reason I'm leaving is because after the kiss with Peter,believe it or not,i started to feel something towards him.And the more I thought about it,the less foreign the thought became.Im sorry,but it's the truth;I still love you though.

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