Unexpected Surprises: Part 2

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-(Continuation of the next chapter)

"I'm surprised that you still remember me love.You was so young when I died",my mother tells me.I can see that Cyrus has a look of confusion on his face and Liam is ecstatic.I jump up and run into my mothers arms just to go straight through her.I groan.That hurt.Cyrus scrambles to help me up as I look at my mother who looks at me with a pained expression.

"Stiles why did you just jump into mid air",Cyrus asks me as he helps me to my feet."What are you talking about Cyrus can't you see my mother,shes right there",i tell him.

"Only family can see dear.Im sorry,im not alive,im a ghost",she tells me apologetically."What,how is that possible,how are you even here",i ask backing away from the scene."Im just finding out that I communicate with family.I had to come and see you.Why did you scurry away from Derek when things got hard.I thought I taught you better Gernami",she scolds.My face heats up light pink as Liam laughs and Cyrus continues to stare confusedly.

"I'm sorry mom.Im not as strong as you though",i tell her apologetically.She smiles sadly.

"Why are you not going to Scott for help.He is suppose to be your best friend.",she asks frowning.Damn I get to see my mother after so many years and I'm already being a disappointment."Im sorry",i tell her.Thats all I can say."It's alright now,Liam.How are you baby",she asks Liam.

"Hi mom",he says on the verge of tears."You don't hate me",he asks chocking on his words.She shakes her head."Of course not.I've been watching you over these years.Im very proud of the young man you've become.Your father has raised you well",she tells him smiling,and on the verge of tears herself."Thankyou,that means so much",Liam replies.She nods and turns her attention back to me."I can't stay for long.But,i will be back.Oh,and tell Cyrus what's going on before he thinks your a psychopath",she says laughing before disappearing.

"Was she all you thought she'd be",i ask Liam placing my hand on his shoulder."More",he laughs a bit wiping his tears away.

"Could someone please explain what just happened".

Ethan's POV

"Okay so basically there is a thing called a 'trigger'.It triggers when you change back and forth.Its usually a person that you love or hate.A strong emotion.You will be changing tonight and you will not have any control over your body.It'll hurt like a bitch when your fangs come in so beware.We will have you chained up so you don't go on a killing spree.Beacon Hills is already getting denser by the minute.",i tell Garret as his mouth hangs open."Close it",i tell him putting my hand on his chin.He closes his mouth."Ok,so any questions",i ask."Wheres pain in the ass Hale",he asks making me laugh loudly."You are going to be more specific",i tell him.He rolls his eyes but smiles none the less."Ooooh I'm Alpha hear me roar",he says making me laugh harder."Still confused here man", I reply."I am the definition of domination",he says in a deep voice."Oh Peter",i laugh.This guy is good.

"Yeah,he bit me and now I realise that he shouldn't have done that with my consent.I have a few choice words for him".

Jacksons POV

"Did you really mean it when you said you love me",i ask Isaac while carding my fingers through his blonde hair."I think so.I've never been in love so I wouldn't know",he replies.Ok,so that hurt just a little bit."Well,if you were to fall in love,what do you think it would feel like",i ask him.I desperately want to know his feelings for me.Ive never felt this way,not even with Lydia and if he doesn't love me than,well I'm not sure.I'd be crushed though."This",he tells me.I smile.He leans up to brush his lips over mine.I press my lips to his smiling into the kiss.I can't help but be happy.He makes me so happy.Never in a million years would I have thought i'd end up with Isaac Lahey.

"Why do you act so different around me",he asks as we part for breath."Because I feel like I can be open around you.I don't feel insecure around you,I love you",i offer."Nice answer Whitmore",he replies before reconnecting our lips in a sweet kiss.

Dereks POV

"Why do you think Peter recruited a new beta.Am I not good enough",Luca asks resting his head on my shoulder,his brown hair tickling the skin on my neck."Im not sure,its Peter we are talking about.I never know his intentions for anything",i reply honestly.Peter is planning something that much I know.He wouldn't just recruit a new beta for no reason,no that isn't like him."Alright",Luca sighs out.I sigh as my mind drifts to Stiles.I wonder if he thinks of me.I wonder if he misses me.I miss him and I can't wait till he gets home,I want to tell him how much I care about him,and that I may just be slowly falling for him.

Authors Note

AHHHHH I'm sooooo excited I just hit 4,000 followers on twitter.Lol ok thats not why I'm excited.Im excited because I'm writing sterek in either the next chapter or the chapter after that.Omg!Im so glad at how far this book has come.I never imagined getting 5o reads let alone 822 so thanks so much!

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Don't forget the twitter account for my books is @CrazyWattpad


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