One Week To Go

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1 week till full moon
Derek's POV
I groan sitting up.I may or may not have went to a bar last night to get plastered.It wasn't my fault really it was Stiles' fault;with his stupid beautiful eyes and his little ab tummy,and his freaking smell.I cannot take it any longer ,my own pack is starting to laugh at me because they smell the desire and sexual frustration.Im gonna rip his throat out;with my teeth.But ,I won't because I'm a badass Alpha with a Camaro and leather jacket.I lay a tip down on the table standing up and stretching.I walk outside and I get in the Camaro.I grab my phone and look at it,oh great messages.I open in.Oh ,even better it's peter.

Psychotic Ex-Alpha Murderer Hale~
Call me when you get this.

I groan dialing his number.

Peter-Look who decided to call

Derek-Spill peter I don't have all day

Peter chuckles and i growl.

P-Why,i can't just talk to my nephew

D-what do you want Peter

P-I may or may not have killed an Alpha and there whole pack and I may or may not have made a new wolf


P-Look here me out it was only because they were trying to kill me first because I was a Hale and the guy I turned was on the brink of death and I gave him a choice

D-Aw you do have a heart

P-Yea yea I'll be at the loft with Luca in about 10 be there

And with that Peter hung up.

-At the loft with everyone minus Peter and Luca

"So he bit someone ,just great",Lydia mutters
."Yep and they will be here in-",I was cut off my the doorbell."Well now",i say dismissing the glares from Stiles and opening the door.There stood Peter with a boy,he had fierce green eyes that almost sparkle,he has dark brown hair matching Stiles' quiff,he had smallish hips.I could sense his fear.I moved to the left as they walked in and sat on the couch."So Peter want to introduce us",Scott asks his former Alpha.Peter looked to Luca and he shifted so he was more comfortable smiling up at him a bit and then looking at the rest of us."Im ,um Luca,but if you want you can call me Luke",he says in a quiet voice."Im Scott McCall,but you can call me Scotty or S and M",he says smirking."S and M",Luca asks."Why",he continues."Cause I may be bad but I'm perfectly good at it",Scott sings making Luca laugh and blush a little."Im Issac but you can call me well Issac ,don't mind Scotty boy ,his mom dropped him as a baby",Issac says chuckling lightly.Luke nods."Im Jackson,i have a Porsche",Jackson says smiling.Issac rolled his eyes and pecked Jackson cheek making him blush."Im Danny ,nice to meet you Luke",Danny says."Nice to meet you to",Luke replies."Im Ethan,im gay,and that's my twin Aiden he's straight,he like Lydia but he won't admit it,im going out with Danny",Ethan says cheerily.I roll my eyes.Luca smiles a little."Im Lydia,amazingly beautiful smart and all round perfect ,this is my side kick/chick Allison ,she has bows and arrows",Lydia says smiling brightly.Luca blushes."Im Stiles,im Ultra mated to this one ,I'm Bi and I'm smart,like agent smart",Stiles said.Weirdo.Luca looks at me.He tilts his head to the side staring at my face intently."Im Derek Hale,Im Alpha,these are my betas ,it's good to have you here",i say trying to be intimidating.He just cocks his eyebrow and smirks."Im Luca,newly turned by Peter because my father is Psychotic and he almost killed me",he says shrugging.We all drop our jaws."High five for having Psychotic parents",Issac said as they high fived.I shake my head.

"Yea so that's pretty much it ,no one hurts my Beta Kay guys",Peter said looking around."We wouldn't dream of it,but what would you do if we did",i say smirking.Peter growled and Luca whimpered clutching himself.Peter rolled his eyes at me before putting a hand on Lucas shoulder.Luca almost immediately cuddled into his side.That was kind of adorable."How old is he",Scott asked curiously."16 almost 17",Peter says draping a protective arm around him.Scott nods in clarification,his eyes showing something like jealousy.It probably has to do with the fact that Peter showed Scott no affection after he was turned.

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