Chapter 2:Your What

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Derek's POV
Stiles.Out of everyone Stiles.And we have to tell the pack today , that is just great.How will they react.How will Scott react.Hes stiles best friend for gods sake and he already dislikes me.You no what I shouldn't give a fuck because I'm a badass Alpha with a leather jacket at Camaro so fuck it.

I groan sitting up and rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

(Shower skip)

I throw on some black sweats and a blue t-shirt with some black ankle socks.I look in the mirror and ruffling my hair before walking downstairs.Im greeted by all of the pack.

"Stiles", I say looking at him."Derek", he says looking at me his eyes flashing silver smiling.I smile flashing my eyes red.

"What are you guys doing",Isaac asked.Stiles chuckled and shook his head.

S-can you hear me

D-Yea,you gonna tell them or am I

S-we could take turns telling different parts

I nod.

"So guys Stiles is my mate,my Ultra mate", I start."Which means , well I'm his mate,but I'm an Ultra mate because my eyes flash silver,i can communicate with you guys threw my head but me and Derek can block you guys out ,I have powers , healing , I can control water and I can do other stuff , I'll be the Ultimate Ultra mate if or when Derek changes me but then my eyes will change to Silver with red streaks but gray when I'm not wolfed out , I have maternal instincts and you guys will feel like were your parents eventually and Deaton said In a month I'm gonna fall in love with Derek",Stiles says quickly taking a deep breath.

"You need some water",i asked concerned.

"Get me a glass",he says.I nod and hand him a glass.All of sudden I hear rumbling and then there's water coming from the sink and into the glass."Cool",Allison says amazed.She high fived Lydia and I rolled my eyes.

"No!",Scott shouts."You aren't going to be with my best friend ,your an asshole", Scott confines yelling."Scott Joshua McCall do not speak to your Alpha that way", Stiles says in a voice similar to my Alpha voice eyes flashing deep Silver.Scott whimpers and sinks back into the couch.Stiles takes a deep breath eyes slowly going back to there original color.

"Your hair turned blue,thats freaking cool",Aiden says looking at Stiles.I rolled my eyes."We can discuss this later ,everyone rooms now",i say in my Alpha voice.Everyone scrambles upstairs and I look at Stiles."You ok", I ask."Fine",
he squeaks out."Your not fine ,what's up", I ask looking at him."Its just I don't think I'm fit for this whole post -Alpha role thing",he says sighing."You did pretty good with Scott ,your going to be just fine", I say stroking his arms comfortingly.

"I didn't mean to be going all Ultra Mate on him it's just he was calling you names and no one calls something of mines names", he says eyes flashing vibrant silver."Possessive much", I ask with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

"Hell yeah" , he said tugging me into a right hug.Maybe I can get used to this.

We are sitting in the living room.Me , Jackson ,Isaac , Lydia ,Danny and Ethan.Were watching this movie , I think it's called Megamind?

Stiles suddenly clutches his head and shrieks.Tears were streaming down his face as he looked to me sorrowfully."Im so sorry that happened, so sorry you had to watch your whole family die",he says hugging me.I sigh and hug him back.So that's what Deaton meant.

"What's he crying for",Danny asked."Deaton said he's going to get flashes of my past , I had a bad past", I say shrugging it off.

"I still don't like you", Stiles said."I don't like you either annoying brat", I say removing my arms.He whine snuggling closer and nuzzling his head in my neck."Doesn't mean you aren't comfortable", he says wrapping his arms around me.I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms back around him.

"I'm back like I said id be",Deaton says walking in."Did you burst a pipe yet", Deaton ask.Stikes rolled his eyes and muttered a small 'no'."Hes just kidding with you babe",i say smiling at him.He smiles and pecks my cheek making me blush.

"So you to got together",Deaton ask."No, we can't really help these , couply things we do,it comes as instinct",I say.He nods."It'll get worse full moon , a lot worse", he says opening his briefcase.I narrowed my eyes."What do you mean by worse", I say tilting my head in confusion."The urge to procreate , create a new baby se-"."Ok Deaton we get it", Stiles says covering his ears childishly.

"Have you figured out how to transmit emotions yet", Deaton asks."No , but does that mean transmitting the emotions I have , or any emotion",Stiles asks confusedly."Both",Deaton says."And healing ,you can basically do it like a werewolf but the veins are a bluish silver",Deaton says sitting down.

"Let's try it",Stiles says excitedly.I rolled my eyes.Deaton handed me a knife and a cut a deep wound so it wouldn't heal fast."Stiles intertwine both hands with Derek", Deaton says and we do as told."Now think about healing him and him being protected ,will it,want it", Deaton says to Stiles.He slowly closes his eyes gripping my hands tighter.Light blue and silver veins begin forming on his arms.After the wound Is healed blue and silver veins start appearing on my arms.It goes up to our necks then down our spines covering our whole body.It feels nice,relaxing.I close my eyes and smile.

I open my eyes the same times as Stiles.I notice my eyes are the same color as his because they reflect off of each other.I flash him a grin and he smiles back.The feeling got more intense as I felt the blue and silver lines coursing threw me.

"Deaton what is it", I ask quietly."Its usually what an Alpha and it's Ultra mate does to calm one another down and it happened when ya know,Stiles just gave you the ability to do it also because I guess he wanted to protect you like a lot so that happened ,your hand should always hold a blue ball of light ,Stiles is silver ,so remember it calms the other down ,but don't do it all the time",Deaton said looking at the both of us.

We nodded letting eachother go.The blue and silver lines faded on us.

"That was so cool",Stiles said.I rolled my eyes."Just go ask the kids what they want for dinner",i say and he nods and walks upstairs.

"Kids", Deaton questioned arching an eyebrow.

I groaned.

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