The Van Allens vs Billy Zane

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Alayna sat on the study's couch - next to Karoline - legs folded beneath her, gaze focused on the study. She bit her lip in frustration as Bobby Singer finished off yet another bottle of whiskey. Apparently while they were working their case with Jason, Bobby was working his own with Rufus - it ended up going south for the latter.

"Say something." Sam's whisper had her turning her attention to the two Winchesters who were both leaning against the wall to her left.

"No, you," Dean mouthed back, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"No," Sam insisted. "You."

She watched in amusement as the Dean held up a fist. Sam hesitated, shaking his head, but when Bobby opened up another bottle, he held out his fist as well. Rock. Paper. Scissors. Shoot. Dean with the scissors, Sam with the paper. Typical. Sam stared at his brother's hand as he processed what exactly had happened before looking over at the girls. Alayna shook her head while Karoline shrugged, neither willing to get in the middle of that

"You two just gonna stand there like the ugly girl at the prom, or are you gonna pitch in?" Bobby finally asked, and Alayna stifled a laugh when the brothers exchanged surprised looks.

"Wow, I feel personally attacked." Karoline muttered jokingly, only getting an eye roll from the older hunter. Not the response she was looking for.

"This so-called Eve, mother of whatever, ain't gonna gank herself." When nobody moved, he looked up. "What's wrong with you?"

"Bobby," Dean began, "you haven't slept in days."

"I sleep," the hunter defended crossly. "What are you, my wife now?" He looked back down at his books.

"I'm just saying, that, you know, taking five might be a good thing," the Winchester put as politely as he could.

Bobby, however, just scoffed. "For whom?"

"Look, Bobby it — I know it was tough... seeing Rufus go like that." Sam approached, but stopped after only a few steps, glancing over at Alayna.

"You think this —?" Bobby firmly shook his head. "This ain't about Rufus."

"Bobby, he wasn't just a poker buddy." Alayna pointed out, tugging her bottom lip between her teeth.

"You know when I knew Rufus was done for? The day I met him. The only question was who first — him or me? Now, you want to stand there and therapise, or you want to get me some coffee?" He returned his gaze to his books. "Make it Irish."

Karoline watched as Dean threw up his hands in surrender, and he and Sam walked into the kitchen. Alayna glanced over at Karoline before getting up and following after the boys. The older Van Allen took the chance to stand up and walk over to the old hunter.

"What do you want?" he huffed, looking up. "Karoline, If you say one-"

"I was just seeing if you needed any help," Karoline raised her hands in surrender, pulling up a chair.

"No, thanks."

She stopped what she was doing, soft blue eyes watching him, "Bobby, I just-"

"If your boyfriend sent you in here-"

"Fine," Karoline finally gave in, pushing out of her chair and rolling her eyes. "Excuse me for trying to help." He was just as bad as her Dad, when it came to his salty ass attitude. She stalked into the kitchen where Alayna and the boys were talking and pulled herself up onto the counter beside Dean.

"Take it, things didn't go so well in there." Dean tossed her a half smile and she sighed, dropping her head into her hands.

"I just don't know what to do." Karoline shrugged.

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