Kai and Clay moments

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Kai's pov
As time passes Clay removed his armor and put on his pajamas getting ready to go to bed, it's so late, probably near midnight, I lay in bed waiting for him but he just stood there awkwardly, he broke the silence and said "Um Kai... sorry to ask this but do you mind sleeping on the couch?" I shook my head and get up "What for? We did sleep in the same bed a few times" I ask, he replied "Sorry it just feels improper to be sleeping in the same bed, I want to wait until we marry" that seems reasonable, I should respe... Marry?

Clay and I talked about it a few times, I have dreamed of marrying him but for most of the time he brought it up I thought he was still unsure or joking so I always thought of it as more of a goal than a plan to get him to love me that much, I blushed at that, he notices my blush and asked "Kai are you alri-" I jump over to him, trap him in my arms and smudder him in kisses "Kai you! Ugh! Stop it!" He was blushing madly, then I stop, he sighs, his face was still red. He looks at me confused "Why did you do that Kai? Not that I have much of a problem with it though..." I smirk and whisper in his ear "Get used to it Clay, you're gonna get a lot of love when we marry" he looked away smiling a little and says "Alright lover boy, but I still feel like it's improper, are you ok with sleeping on the couch?" I let go and say "Totally, good night" I kiss his lips and walk out closing the door behind me.

 Clay's pov
I sigh and put a hand on my cheek, I feel how much I'm burning up, I look in the mirror seeing how red my face is, I love Kai, that's obvious, but it's distracting, love can do strange things yet I love what it did to me. I get close to the mirror and pull down the collar of my turtleneck, the spot is still there, I blush remembering that day, I hid it from the others since I didn't want them to be distracted, then again they barely train. I look behind me unsure then I pulled off the skin colored glove, I still can't feel anything, I'm surprised I could keep this hidden from him for this long, I don't want him to worry...

I grab an extra blanket and go to the place Kai will be sleeping, I see Kai on the couch and Jestro on the floor, did he shove him off? I poke Jestro and he wakes up saying "Owww my face... did I roll off?" He gets up and looks at me "Clay is that you? If it is don't turn on the light, I don't want to hurt my eyes" we all know that feeling... especially when it comes to checking your phone at night, I poke Kai and he sits up on his knees looking at me "Is that you Clay? What's wrong?" I ask him "Did you push Jestro off the couch?" He replied "No, there was no one on the couch, he probably rolled off" my voice gets stern "Kai tell me the truth" Kai asked me "Would I ever lie to you?" Hmm...

**last week**
"Clay I can assure you that I can go 2 hours without mauling you" I rub the spot on my neck, Kai has been getting a little rough and handsy now that we made it this far into our relationship, even then it's still not long enough, he keeps claiming he can control himself but I'll be the judge of that.

I sat on their couch reading, it's great knowing that in Ninjago they didn't stop making books because of the new digital ones on phones, although this book was written by a slightly aggressive author, I look at my watch, it's been 24 minutes, I take a break and went to check the ninja training, I walk out to the training grounds and it was empty, I went back inside still hearing those grunts and cheers of battle, I go to a room and see them playing video games, not everything is different in Ninjago, I chuckle to myself and walk in their halls

I then realized that I left my phone in Kai's room, Lance said he'd text me sometime at 5:30 for personal reasons, I saw he was spoiled but not a brat. I find my phone on his bed, I grab it and something grabs me from behind and bites my neck, I try to break free, I felt something sucking on the skin of my neck, I can already guess it's Kai, "Kai dangit! I knew it! You can't you liar!" He gets gentle and just kissed my neck, "I didn't lie, I can be gentle, I said I can go 2 hours without mauling you" I elbowed him and said "Well my bite marks say otherwise Mr. Liar" he chuckled and said "Well would you rather be right or wrong?" I fold my arms and said "I am right, you can't go long without mauling me" he shrugged smirking "If you say so" then he mauled me.

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