The False King

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Clay's pov
I close the book, we read it in just 2 short hours! I look at Kai and see him asleep and laying his head on my shoulders, I roll my eyes and put him down on my bed, I put away the book and get ready for training, I'm sure his friends won't mind if he spends the night here. As I get my armor ready Aaron walks in and says "Clay you busy?" I shook my head "No, what is it Aaron?" Aaron says "Jestro is attacking a village... again c'mon!" He leaves, I run out of my room with my sword and sheild, I thought Jestro stopped it all, then again he ran away when I looked for Monstrox.

I made it to the village and the other knights were already there, typical stuff, People screaming, buildings burning, this was gonna be a normal day. As we fought a woman was stuck in a burning building, I sprint into action and ran into the building, I ran up the stairs and find her, she turns around and says "A knight in shining armor came to rescue me" I ran to her and carried her out of the building, I put her down and she thanked me, I told her to stay safe and I continue my battle, we went all Nexo Knight on them and defeated them, although I haven't seen Jestro or Monstrox anywhere, I ask the group about them and Axl says "Maybe they got scared or knew we'd beat them" he high fives Aaron, I can't help but feel like something bigger is being planned.

We walk back to the fortrex finding Merlok talking with Ava, Ava saw us come in and she tells us "Great job out there guys but we have a weird message from the king" the king's face appears on the screen, he says "Hello Knights, thanks for saving that village today you always save the day, anyway you all know Clay has been banned from Ninjago, the same goes for all of you, also I-" Macy interrupts him "Hey dad, how come we can't go to that realm anymore, it's nothing bad or dangerous" Halbert looks away "It's nothing personal just best if you don't go, anyway if the people of that place appear here I need you to either bring them to me or eliminate them at once" what?! We all looked at each other concerned, I couldn't contain my anger "Eliminate?! But these are live human beings, why would they ever come to Knighton anyway?" Halbert raises an eyebrow "You have been quite rebellious lately Clay, don't think I don't know about your recent visit with a friend from that realm, if he comes here I expect you to bring him to me at once or eliminate him, if you don't then I don't want to mention the consequences" I growl but I hid my anger, the screen went black and I sigh, Lance pats my back "What now? We can't let Halbert know about him" I look at my door "I have to take him back"

I ran in my room, the door slams against the wall and woke up Kai "ugh, what happened?" He sits up, I hug him and say "You have to go Kai" he gets up and looks at me confused "Why? What happened?" I tell him about Halbert's message, he sighs and says "Alright take me to him" what? I shook my head "But he'll probably put you in a dungeon!" He pats me on the head and said "I can take care of myself Clay, if I convince him we aren't dangerous or going to invade Knighton maybe he'll go easy on the order and unban you" I shook my head and said It's too risky, what if he doesn't?" Kai smiled "I can defend myself don't worry, I'll come out alive and well I promise, besides you'll get on his good side if you're the one who turns me in" Kai matters more than my relationship with the king, as a knight I fight for what's right, he kissed my forhead and said "Don't worry about me I'll be fine, but we can't let Halbert get between us, unless we do something we'll only get more torn apart" I nod, I can't believe we're doing this but something has to be done. I tell the others of our plan and they thought we were crazy but they want to help out, we all set course for the castle

 Jestro's pov
I walk through the halls of the castle and bump into Ruina, she says "Finally I found you, Monstrux wants to know everything you know about the red brunette boy, c'mon" she grabs my wrist and drags me away, we made it to the throne room, King Halbert was on his throne, or people would think, Monstrux came up with an extra evil plan, he possessed King Halbert so that way he'll have power over the knights while the monsters work on the sidelines.

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