Love lasts - chapter 1 - knock knock

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A cold chill of frosty fall air brushes gently against her arm. The sweet taste of punch resides on her lips. She feels empty, full of abyss. "I can't give you the answer you want to hear, Betty." The words linger in her ears as she cries silently, face burried in her pillow. Her heart was broken; shattered on the floor. She could feel the sickly butterflies in her stomach, as she sobbed noiselessly.

Three days later...

Knock knock. "Betty? Betty are you home?" He spoke softly but loudly so that she would hear it from inside. He tapped on the door again with his knuckles. "Betts?" Her heart melted at the sound of her nickname leaving his lips. She sat at her window seat, with the pane pushed upwards, leaning precariously out so that she could peer down to the front door and lay her eyes on him. She wasn't quite sure what had triggered it, but ever since that night after the party when Archie had turned her down, Betty had gotten butterflies in her stomach whenever she saw the raven haired boy with the crown shaped beanie. She made him wait now so that he would believe she was still heart broken, but in reality she had recovered from the pain and anguish rather rapidly. After another minute or so, Jughead was still standing there, pleading at the door to be let in. Betty walked downstairs slowly, opening the door at the bottom. "Hey Jug." Betty greeted him, trying not to sound too exited. "Hey Betts! How are you?" He asked with an unusual pep in his voice. "I'm  okay Jug." She said, inviting him in and closing the door behind him. He takes her by surprise by embracing her, and she feels a rush of adrenaline throughout her entire body. Pressed tightly against him, she can feel his abs through his signature S t-shirt. The hug lasts a while, not an awkward amount of time though. It's perfect. He is perfect.

They head upstairs to her room to talk. "I'm sorry" jughead says plainly. "For what?" She questions, wondering what the beautiful boy thinks he may have done wrong. "For how Archie treated you. If I had Betty Cooper confessing her love for me I'd be throwing a party!" He answered, which made her giggle playfully. She hugged his arm and he looked down at her face, graced with a content smile. Oh how he longed to kiss her. But no. Not yet....

Sorry this is so short! I wanted to sort of set the tone for the story. This is my first time writing fanfic so sorry if I suck. I'll be updating when I can. Lots of love, -E

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