Love lasts - chapter 6 - are you sure?

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BUZZ BUZZ. Betty hit the button on her phone to turn off the alarm and reluctantly climbed out of bed. She slipped on her grey slippers and shuffled into the bathroom where she brushed her teeth and splashed her face with water before drying it on a towel. The blonde shuffled back into her bedroom where she sat at her dresser and did her usual minimal makeup, going without any lipstick because she thought it might annoy Jughead when they kissed. She settled instead for a tinted lip balm. Betty styled her hair in the usual tight, high ponytail and then crossed over to her closet to carefully pick out her outfit. She settled for a baby blue sweater over one of her favourite shirts with a bedazzled collar, paired with skinny jeans and black boots. She looked into the mirror for a long time before grabbing her bag and heading down the stairs.

"Later mom. Love you Polls!" She called from the bottom of the stairs. "Love you too Betts!" Polly shouted back. "Have a nice day sweetie!" Her mom replied. "You too mom! Love you!"

"Love you!" Alice answered, although Betty often doubted that she meant it. She went To the door, which she pulled open and began to walk through without looking first. She ran into a chest, and looked up confused into those vibrant eyes. "Jug!" She exclaimed excitedly. "Hey Betts. I thought we could walk to school. I didn't knock 'cause I figured you didn't want your mom to know about me," he talked down to the ground. "Why would you think that?" Betty asked with a smile and linked arms with Jughead. "Because, I figured I'm not the kind of guy that the Cooper girls bring home," Betty and her wonderful boyfriend started walking down the road towards Riverdale high. "What do you mean?" Betty wondered.

"I mean, I'm not exactly white picket fences and swing sets am I? My dads a serpent, Betty. A freaking serpent!" He lost it for a moment, by only one.

"That doesn't matter, Jug." Betty said in a kind voice. "I love you,"

"I love you too,"

Eventually, they reached the gates of the school where a jolly Kevin Keller and frustrated Veronica Lodge waited patiently for them. When Ronnie saw them coming, she disengaged in her conversation with Kevin and skipped up to the blonde and her companion. "The love birds! The newbie weds! Riverdale high's resident Romeo and Juliet! How are my aspirational couple today?" She rambled. "G-great Ronnie." Betty answered, looking up at Jughead. He leaned down and kissed her on the nose. She leaned in and went for the lips. It was short and sweet until Veronica came in with an "Awwww!" And ruined the mood.

"What the actual hell is going on here?" They heard a voice from behind. Veronica rolled her eyes, Kevin crossed his arms in anger, Betty cowered and Jughead protectively and supportively wrapped his arm around his girl and pulled her close. "What is it, Andrews?" He yelled, not even bothering to turn around. "It's you. You two. Are you dating or something when Betty is supposed to be in love with me?!? It's disgusting!" He bellowed. "Betty doesn't love you because your a pigheaded heartless idiot with fewer good qualities than chuck Clayton and the devil combined!" Jughead yelled, which made the girls laugh and Kevin say, "This some good tea girl!"

And with that, Jughead was holding his jaw and Archie's hand was bleeding. "Juggy!" Betty yelled, helping Jughead to stand upright. "JuGgY!" Archie mocked. "Don't. You. Dare. Talk. To. Betty. Like. That. EVER. Again!" He yelled, and went in to hit the redhead in the face, but before he could, he felt himself being restrained by Kevin Keller. "Don't be like him. Your better than that Jughead." The sheriffs son said kindly. Jughead nodded and play punches Kev in the arm. He turned to Betty, who he expected to he mad. He expected a slap or a breakup or both or worse, but he was greeted with a hug and a whisper. "Thank you Juggy," it said.

Later that day, after school...

Betty waltzed into the desolate student lounge and spotted that oh so familiar grey hat. "Hello handsome!" She sang. "Hey Betts," is all she earned in reply. He didn't even look up from his computer. "What is is,Juggy?" She asked all concerned. "Nothing" he put his head up this time, but didn't make eye contact. "I-I've just... I've just been thinking."

"Did it hurt?"

Jughead looked up at her looking hurt. "Jeez juggy I was just kidding! Lighten up!" she joked. Jughead still looked sad. Betty walked over to him and sat down next to him, placing her hand on his thigh. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, which caused a concerned look to cross her face. "Hey, hey Jug? What is it? Please,talk to me Juggy."

"It's, it's me."

"What, tell me."

"Im-I'm not good enough for you. Your, your beautiful, your perfect. What I'm I?"

"You're my Jughead. You're you. You're funny, and gorgeous, and the best writer I've ever met. You're, sensational."

(Any choni fans see what I did there?!?)

"I guess what I'm asking is... are you sure? Are you sure about me?"

"More than anything else in the world!"

Hey guys! Sorry for the slow update! I wanted to make this chapter good. Loves of love and hugs, -E

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