Love lasts - chaper 23 - new friends are old

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I woke up wrapped in wayr arms and hummed against my pillow. Now this I could get used to. I lay still for a while until I decided I was lonely and should wake jug up. I struggled to turn over due to his tight grip on me as he pulled me close to his chest. He groaned as I squirmed but didn't wake. Once I was faveing him, I payed there for a while playing with his soft black curls. He looks so cute when he sleeps. After a while I leant in and kissed him on the lips which made him wake up quickly and giggle against my lips. "Morning to you too beautiful" he whispers. "Morning"

Eventually we got out of bed, I walked to the bathroom to pee and get ready while Jughead went to make breakfast. When I walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, I saw Jughead dancing and humming while making pancakes. I had to fight the urge to laugh. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Bathrooms free. I've got this." I said softly."okay. Thanks" he said and left for the bathroom with a kiss on the cheek.

Soon we were ready for school , got in the truck (which his dad has officially given him) and drove to school. When we got there we saw Kevin and no Veronica. Strange. "Hey Kevin where's..."
"Sorry I have to go!" Kevinyelled, already having turned away from us. Stranger.

So Jughead and i stood alone by the gates and talked like we always do, sneaking kisses and laughing. As we spoke, Jughead's phone went off and he said he had to leave, Kevin needed him inside and kissed me on the check. "Bye babe. Love you" I said and he smiled back at me "I love you" he whispered.

I decided to stay outside of the gates and check my phone before heading to class. Suddenly I felt a presence in front of me and looked up. "Hi Betty!" Toni chirped. Weird. Toni isn't the chirpy type. "Hey Toni. What's up?" I said with a polite smile. "I think we've got off on the wrong foot in the past and I was wondering if you wanted to go to pops tonight for milkshakes? I think we could be friends." She said. And she sounded genuine. "That... actually that sounds great. There's a lot going on right now and a milkshake sounds like it's exactly what I need." I said, also genuine.

Toni and I said our good byes and i went to class.

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