Love lasts - chapter 10 - brave new world

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Note - I thought I'd do something new, so here is a POV chapter! Tell me what you think! This is another filler chapter because I thought it might be cute to do a few chapters without much drama that just set up the main storyline that is coming soon and have many fluffy bughead moments. Tell me if you like/dislike these kind of chapters and I may not do them anymore. - Liz

Betty POV

I woke up to gentle breathing on my neck, strong, warm arms wrapped tight around my body and soft words in my ear. " Betty. Betts babe wake up. Betty? We have school you have to get up." I groaned and stirred slightly, until I felt soft lips on my neck and my eyes widened. I turned over slowly and captured Jughead's lips with my own. I had missed them somehow in the 8 hours I'd slept. "I knew that would get your attention." Jughead chuckled mischievously into my lips. He pulled away and I chased him, missing the contact immediately. "In going to go and take a shower. You should go and look through those bags for your toothbrush and something to wear, unless you want to go to school in my t-shirt with morning breath" I groaned again, not wanting to move. "But it's warm in here!" I whined, pulling Jughead closer to me and burying my head in his chest. " you leave me no choice Cooper. " he said with a smile and wrapped his arms tighter around me, pulling my legs to wrap around his torso. "1..." he said loudly "wha-" I was interrupted
And he hauled me up with him out of bed and carried me to the other side of the small bedroom ( it is a trailer after all) and he placed me down on the ground standing up. I giggled the whole way over but groaned again when he put me down. "Juggyyyyyyy!" I whined, falling forward into him. I had never realised he was that strong.

Jughead grabbed my shoulders and turned me around. "Go!" He said with far more cheer than a person should have at 7am. "Find some clothes and get dressed and I'll drive you to school. You can gossip with Kevin and Veronica, you have cheer practice..." he said walking me into the living room, where my bags and boxes were strewn around. He was convincing me I wanted to go to school, and it wasn't working "We have a meeting of the blue and gold at lunch about the applications for design chief, you have English literature today where you sit next to the one and only me..." he turned me back around by the shoulders and looked me in the eye. I held his gaze for a moment, then my eyes slipped and looked him up and down. He was wearing a tank top and flannel print sweatpants. He looked good in anything, but just woke up jughead had to be my favourite. His hair was messy, he had discarded his beanie last night on the kitchen counter while getting me cereal to eat dry out of the box. I suddenly leant up and kissed him. He smirked.

"And who knows... " he continued his point from a moment ago "if you go to school I might just have a surprise for you when you get home after cheer practice."  .

Jughead left to go have a shower and get ready, while I went to a pale blue suitcase and opened it, grabbing my brown boots. As for the rest of my clothes, it took me ten minutes of rummaging in cases and bags and boxes to find a pale pink t-shirt  with 3/4 length sleeves that were dark grey and had two white stripes on them, a pair of pale blue skinny jeans and a grey denim jacket. Far more casual than my usual attire, but more comfortable and easier to change for cheer. I grabbed my school bag and my cheer bag, which thank god I had already sorted the night before.

I found my tooth brush and makeup and went to the bathroom, knocking on the door before saying "Jug?". I no longer heard the shower running. He opened the dot and smiled at me, wet hair in his eyes, towel around his waist I smirked at him and spoke to the floor "Can I brush my teeth?"
"Of course." He said smirking at me and opening the door the rest of the way. He walked past me and into the bedroom. "Can you pass me my clothes off the bed too?" I asked. He did so, and I closed the door and got ready.

When I came out of the bathroom, Jughead was dressed in his usual black jeans, grey s t-shirt m, iconic beanie and denim jacket. "You look gorgeous as always" he said with a smile, pulling me into a soft kiss. "Thank you, juggy. "
"Ready?" He asked "We can get pops before school."
I nodded happily.

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