Love lasts - chapter 8 - life in a box

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"Betty!" Jughead called out as he ran after her up the stairs. She ran into her room and stopped a few feet from the door; She paused for a moment before turning back. Tears streaked her face. "Jug..." she collapsed into him and began to sob, and Jughead held her up. They stood there for a moment in silence, until interrupted by a shout from downstairs "I don't here much packing you serpent trash!" Betty let out a defeated sob before pulling out of the hug and wiping her tears. Jughead placed one hand on her shoulder and the other gently on her face. "Juggy, I have nowhere to go. I- I don't know what I'm going to do..." she said dull and hopeless. "You can come stay with me." he answered in a serious voice, else Betty would think it a joke. "What? Jug are you sure? What about your dad?" "Of course. I'm not about to let you live on the streets now am I? And my dad is staying with some friends on the south side. He gave me the trailer to myself." "Thank you, Jug." In return, she have him a small giggle and that smile that could melt his heart. "Now, lets pack your things and get out of here, Betts. Ill see if I can't get your mother to give you a suitcase or two, maybe some boxes. I doubt you can fit your stuff in your duffel bag." she nodded and he gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "I'll be right back OK?" and Betty nodded again. 

Jughead left with a quick look back and a sweet smile, and his north side queen went to her closet and grabbed three backpacks, two duffel bags and a cardboard box. She climbed on a foot stool and pulled a suitcase down from the top of the closet. She went slowly and meandering to the bathroom and packed her toiletries into a wash bag. She heard yelling downstairs, but tried to block it out. She moved to the vanity and began to put her make-up into a small pouch. Maybe she was packing these small things first so that she could have her world remain at peace for as long as possible.

Footsteps on the stairs. Loud and booming. Angry. Then another set. Quick, soft. "Juggy" she thought. There was a crash. "suitcases" and a few moments later, Jughead walked in dragging three suitcases, collapsed boxes under his arm. "Got em. Not without some resistance from your Mom but hey, I suppose I should have expected that."

"Thank you Jug."

They began to pack her things, nic nacs first into the boxes, leaving the photos of her family on the spot. Then her clothes, carefully folded into suitcases. Soon, everything was packed into boxes and bags.

Betty say on the edge of her bed with a box on her lap. Staring into it. "its... its like my entire life in a box. Like I've packed up everything I've ever owned, ever known. I don't know what I'm supposed to do now."

"No one ever does."


And the last box was loaded onto the truck, a kiss paced on Betty's cheek from her lovers lips. A smile on her face. Alice stood in the doorway with disgust scribed on her face, arms crossed on her chest. "Goodbye, Mom. "

"Good riddance, Betty. Come back if you ever come to your senses. I'll be waiting here to reject you like the runt you are." and then the pair got into Jughead's dad's truck and drove off towards the south side; making sure not to look back.


Soon they arrived at the trailer in Sunnyside trailer park. Betty had never even been to his house before. "Home sweet home. "

a slightly longer one today. wow im bad at updating regularly. - liz

Bughead - love lasts - a riverdale fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now