Love lasts - Chapter 14 - the plan

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Archie POV

"So Andrews, what is it you wanted to talk about?" Sweet pea snarled and crossed his arms over his chest. "Yeah, I don't have all day!" Toni yelled. "Woah calm down. I called you here because we all want something, and I know how we can get it. I wasn't going to let it come to this, but they pushed me." I said calmly and controlled. They both furrowed their brows and the pink haired girl mirrored the tall serpents stance, arms across her chest. "Topaz, we all know that you want Jughead. I can see it a mile away. I can help with that. Sweet Pea, you want to hurt Jughead, you want him to give up his rights to the serpent throne, I can help with that too." I said with a grimace. "And what's in it for you?" Toni quipped. I smirked. "Betty"


Betty POV

Jughead unlocked the door and swung it open, holding it for me to go through. I slipped in and dropped down on the couch. That was when I saw it. A small black box on the sofa, tied with a thin red ribbon. "Jug?" I said cautiously "What's that?" I asked with a smirk. A gift? Obviously it was from Jughead, no one else has a key to the trailer. But when had he put it there? It wasn't there when we left, and he had been at school all day with me, even staying back for cheer practice so he could drive me home. "I don't know." He said. I reached out to grab it but Jughead yelled before I could "Wait! Betts don't touch it. I didn't put that there." He said with a gulp. Then who did? I thought to myself. Jughead came over and picked the box up. He slowly untied the ribbon and placed it on the table. Just then, a small piece of paper fluttered to the floor I picked it up and read aloud " 'For my dearest Betty, I promise you I'm better than him - your one true love. ' what the fuck!" I exclaimed. Jug looked at me with fury in his eyes. He opened to box and looked at the contents with puzzle. " let me see" I requested. He turned the box around and there was a dainty silver ring with a pale pink gem shaped like a heart. What the fuck! I pulled it out and studied it on my palm. There was an inscription on he band. "It's only you, Betty." I read. "What the actual fuck I said, showing him the inscription. He was visibly enraged. I took the box from him and noticed another small piece of paper "Wear it at school everyday or he dies!"

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