Love lasts - chapter 16 - dying in LA (part 1)

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Listen to the song dying in LA by panic at the disco for a little bit of understanding - Liz

Betty POV

We headed to math for first period, which Jughead and I had together along with Kevin. We held hands as we walked through the long corridors. For a moment, I felt at peace. Then I felt the cold metal of the ring pressed against my skin. It felt as though it was getting tighter and tighter as I breathed. Then my throat began to tighten. I didn't even notice the tears streaming down my face until Jughead put his hands on my cheeks wiping them away with his thumbs. I knew he was speaking, I could see his blurred face, his lips moving, but I heard nothing but a loud ringing and a soft hum. Now my breathing was fast and harsh and heavy. I felt dizzy and light headed and lost all sense of what was happening. And then, black.

My eyes fluttered open and i was blinded by bright overhead lights. I squinted in the brightness until my eyes adjusted and I saw Jughead standing over me with a concerned look on his face. I think we were In The nurses room. "Betts. Are you okay? How do you feel?" He asked softly. "What happened?" I croaked. "You... you had a panic attack and passed out." He stuttered. "We called your mom.., but she..." the nurse stuttered. "She didn't want to come get you. And I didn't want you going home with her." He said softly. "I don't want to see her anyway. Plus, I feel fine. Can't I go back to class? I'd hate to miss too much maths I'm already bad at it."
"If you feel alright miss Cooper then I suppose so. But do come back if you feel another spell coming on. " the nurse said soothingly while filling out an incident report. "Betts are you sure? I can take you home if you like. " Jughead said sweetly. "Actually, Mr Jones, no you cannot. You aren't her parents nor are you 18. Miss Cooper must stay in school, or her mother must retrieve her. " she quipped sternly. "I'm okay, Juggy. Just take me to class." I said. "Of course Betts. " he said and held out his hand to help me up.

We walked in silence though the corridors, hand in hand. I leant into Jughead arms and wrapped my own around his. He leant his head atop mine and kissed it softly. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you." I replied.

We got to class and swiftly took our seats. "Miss Cooper. Mr Jones. You're late." The teacher snapped. "Off having personal time I assume?" She said with snark. "We were at the nurses office, ma'am. Apologies. " Jughead defended. "Very well."

"For the rest of class, you may sit and talk. Keep it down, but you've worked hard this week. Have a moment off. " the teacher announced. The class cheered. Jughead scooted his seat closer to mine and looked at me in sympathy. He began rummaging in his pockets and eventually retrieved his phone and headphones. "Music?" He asked, offering me one of the headphones. I took it from him and give him a soft look of thanks. I put the headphone in and he put the other in. I saw him tapping at his phone screen and soon music started. "The moment you arrived, they built you up, the sun was in your eyes, you couldn't believe it "  it was my favourite song, dying in LA by panic! At the disco. Soon tears filled my eyes and began to run down my cheeks. That song makes me sad on the best of days. Jughead takes my hand and kisses it softly, pulling the headphone out of my ear. I looked at him and he looks guilty. I furrow my brow. " I'm sorry baby, I don't mean to upset you." He says softly. "I'm fine, juggy, it's not your fault. You were right I shouldn't have come to class. Will you skip with me? Just this one class. " I ask. "Anything for you." He says and I smile at him. God I don't deserve him.

"Miss Gardender?" He said with a raised hand. "Yes Mr Jones?" She said with little patience. "Betty isn't feeling well again. May I take her to the nurse?" He said innocently. Thank god he's so charming. "Yes." The teacher said bluntly and went back to marking a paper.

We walked from the classroom and wandered the halls for the rest of that period, mostly in silence. But the day was far from over.

Hey, so here is the next part. That dying in LA scene was Inspired by a scene from there's a smile behind the darkness by bughead_stories  -Liz

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