Love lasts - chapter 2 - betrayal

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"Arch! This is serious!" Jughead shouted in the middle of pops as the red headed boy laughed out loud at his friend. "You really hurt Betty! She barely leaves the house!" He has just got back from his daily visit to the Cooper residence which he had been making since that night. "I didn't mean to!" Archie yelled, frustrated with how difficult his friend was being "Just apologise! That's all she wants!" Juggy yelled, getting more annoying by the second. "How do you know?" Archie asked, suspicious. "What?" Jug asked innocently "How do you know that all that Betty wants is an apology?"

"Because that's what she told me"




"At her house! What is this, twenty questions?" He pushed his hat down on his head. Jughead knew what Archie was getting at, but was too smart for his games. "I gotta go." He said politely. "Talk to her arch, before you lose her forever. "

Jughead got up quickly and tossed a five dollar bill onto the table to pay for his milkshake. He grabbed his backpack and began walking to the door. "Later Arch!" He yelled after him, not even turning around. "Later." Archie replied. The bell rang and the boy with the crown shaped beanie was gone.

He sat there sipping his milkshake until he heard that familiar bell ring. Archie looked up to see a beautiful girl with a blonde ponytail and a pink sweater. It was Betty. He stared at her, following her with his eyes and ducking down behind the booth.

She walked in to the familiar ding of Pop Tate's bell. She peered around briefly; she could have sworn she saw a flash of red hair and a glimpse of blue and yellow letterman jacket. She walked forwards none the less, stopping at the counter and waiting patiently for Pop. He waltzed over and exclaimed merrily "Betty! My favourite customer!"

"I'm sure you say that to all of your customers." Betty said playfully, putting on a happy face for Pop. "Well Betty, consistency is key." Pop Tate joked. He knew what had happened and wanted to make her laugh. She orderd her milkshake and opted to sit at the bar, for fear of seeing Archie.

The bell chimed a third time, and Jughead walked in, not seeing Betty. "Hey Archie I forgot my laptop" he said, leaning over the table to grab it. "Dude-"

"Juggy?" A sweet voice said behind him. He turned around and his heart dropped at the site of her, sitting there sipping a strawberry shake. "Betty I-..."

And that was all the jones boy could get out before she hot up and ran away. 

Bughead - love lasts - a riverdale fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now