love lasts - chapter 19 - the flip side (part 4)

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for anyone confused about some recent chapters having a part number at the end of the title, its because they are all from the same day and would ideally all be one chapter, bur that would be way too long and would take forever to write, meaning less regular updates. just to clarify. - liz

Jughead POV

"Betty. Why the fuck were you talking to him?" I yelled far louder than I intended. "He was apologising! What was I supposed to do? Ignore him? It's not like I want to be his best friend or anything, I was just being polite!" she defended, and honestly, I felt so bad. "I'm sorry baby. You're right. God you're so kind. I love you." I rambled out. "It's okay, Juggy. I know you're just trying to protect me." she said solemnly. I took her in my embrace and held her close. "c'mon. Lets go to class. American history awaits." I said softly into her ear.

Archie POV

"How did it go Topaz?"

"Good I think. Definitely made him nervous."

"Good. Sweet Pea?"

"She believed me. Think she's into me. Kept blushing." Sweet Pea smirked.

"Hey! Betty is mine. Stay away from her." I snapped.

"Sorry man, but I can't help it if she finds me more attractive than you." he quipped.

"Whatever. Its time for step 4. We need to convince Betty that Jughead is dangerous. So... Sweet Pea. Here's the plan." I said manically. "Toni, you need to befriend Betty, or at least gain her trust. Then I need Sweet Pea to let slip something about Jughead, and then Toni you need to confirm it. Then we ruin the trust they have. Next, move in on Betty, and Toni helps convince her I've changed. Then, Toni moves in on Jughead and we all have what we want. I have Betty, Toni has Jughead and Sweet Pea has revenge. Are we all clear on the plan?" Sweet Pea cleared his throat "What am I supposed to say about Jughead? I don't have anything on him."

"It doesn't have to be real, just believable."

"I can do that." he said with a smirk.

Betty POV

This day was perhaps the longest I had ever experienced, and it was only 11am. So much had happened. I did not want to go to history class, but I had to. I was already getting a B there, which may not sound bad, but I was really stressed about it.

We got there and Jughead dropped me off with a kiss on the cheek as I headed in. I sat down and soon there was a shadow cast over me. I looked up and into the eyes of a pink haired serpent. "Hi. Can I help you?" I asked sweetly. "hey. Betty right?" she didn't leave me time to answer, "so.. I'm Toni.."

"Nice to meet you Toni."

"Want to work together on this project?"

"Okay. Sounds cool."

just a quick chapter because im having some problems with posting at the minute. - liz

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