Love lasts - chapter 3 - Too Good For Him

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"Betty!" He yelled after her, but she kept running. How could he have betrayed her like this? Talking to Archie only hours after sitting on her bed wiping her tears. He was a traitor, she couldn't trust him. "Betty!" She heard only a few feet behind her. "Go away!" She yelled. Betty felt a hand on her shoulder. It turned her around and now she was staring into his eyes. Those gorgeous eyes. Suddenly she forgot why she was crying, she forgot why on earth she could be mad at him. Jughead pulled her in for a hug and she obliged, crying into his chest. "I was trying to get Archie to apologise. I hate seeing you this upset, Betty. Turns out he won't. Your too good for him Betty. He's an idiot and a fool and you don't need him." He was trying to calm her down. It worked. She held him tightly, never wanting to let go. "I'm sorry Betty." He said, with tears in his eyes. "For what?" She replied, pulling her face away from his chest. "For talking to Archie." He answered, perhaps a little confused. "It's okay. You were trying to help." She said plainly. She embraced him once more, and then took his hand and he walked her home.

"Goodbye, Betty Cooper."

"Goodbye, Jughead Jones."

Later that day....

"OMG B! That's amazing!"

"It's nothing! He's my friend, that's all. He was just being nice. You would have done the same." Betty had regretted telling her best friend Veronica about earlier that day when Jughead had chased her out of Pop's to embrace her and given her that rousing pep talk. She wished she had kept it between her and her Juggy. "I might have, but it's different when a guy says and does something like that." Veronica said with an intelligent tone. B understood what she was saying, but only have V a nod in reply. "I have to go V. I'll see you tomorrow." Betty said, getting up and walking out. "Bye B!" Veronica shouted after the blonde.

When Betty got home, she couldn't get Jughead off of her mind. She sat motionless on her bed, phone in hand with Jughead's contact open. Her thumb hovered over the 'call' button, hesitating before hitting it and raising the phone to her ear. It rang twice before the was a quick noise and a soft "Hey Betts" through the phone speaker. "Hey Jug. Can you come over?" She said nervously. "Betts, it's midnight." There was a brief pause before he said, "Give me ten minutes."

"Thanks Juggy" she said before hitting the end call button. He sat on his bed and let out a sigh. "The things I'll do for that girl." He said to himself, smiling widely. He got up and pulled on one if his S shirts and grabbed his beanie and jacket. He left the trailer and began the five minute walk to the Cooper house.

When he arrived, her grabbed the tall ladder which leaned up against the side of the house and moved it so that it was directly under Betty's window. He knew Alice Cooper would not approve of his late night visit. He claimed up the ladder and knocked on the window.

A confused Betty went to the window and opened it. 

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