Love lasts - chapter 7 - This is us

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Their bodies were hard pressed against each other, there mouths attached and moving together. His lips felt soft against hers. She was short of breath and lost in his love. "Juggy?"
"How about.."
"How about we go talk to my mom today?"
"What?!?!" Fear and confusion were scribed on his face . He wasn't sure that he was ready to tell their parents. He was a south side serpents son and she was the girl next door. There was no way that their families would get along. Once they told them, that would be it. The delicate bubble they had been floating in would pop and they would break apart.
"I don't want to hide it from my mom anymore. I'm proud to be with you and I want the world to know, Jug." She explained. Betty, as it turns out, was very persuasive.

Knock knock. She pushed the door open and reached back for Jughead's hand, which she found to be sweaty and cold at the same time. "Mom!" She was nervous too, but found it much easier to hide. Her mother could smell weakness from a mile away, which is what Betty supposed made her so good at her job. "Yes Elizabeth. " she heard from the kitchen and gulped. She stepped into the kitchen with tensed muscles and said the only thing that came to mind. "Hi."

"Elizabeth Cooper what are you found bringing a snake into this home! " Alice looked as though she would explode.
"Mom, this is my boyfriend, Jughead. "
"Its a pleasure to meet you Mrs-"
"Jughead? FP Jones son?" She didn't wait for a response. "Oh no. No. no no no Betty! Out. Out now! You too Betty! I don't know WHAT has gotten into you! You are not my daughter! Get your things and go! Now! I don't care where you go just leave! You too serpent scum!" And she blew.

Short one I know but just getting back into the swing of things. I've been gone for 7 months, call it a mental Heath break but I'm back. I may be starting a riverdale story with my friend on her account that will be our alternative season three, because neither of us love the gargoyle king thing ( update you on that soon) and I also want to do one bughead one shot a week after the episode to show either what I think happened after or how I would change the bughead sub plot of the episode. Good to be back, -Liz

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